Friday, February 28, 2014

NRA opposition to Surgeon General nominee lacks credible deterrent

That’s why it’s unfathomable why NRA did not indicate it would score a vote for Murthy against the NRA grade for any Senator helping to confirm him, just as it did against during the nominations of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. [More]
This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes bad behavior rarely improves without consequences to discourage it. That’s true with pets, with children, with criminals, and especially with politicians.


Legislative news from Oregon Firearms Federation... [More]

I Need a Drink

You have to wonder at the mentality of anyone who would find this informative or likeable. [Watch]

Still, it is impressive how he has Joe trained to heel without a leash.

We're the Only Ones Begging Enough

Funny, how that works... [More]

And of course no one is guilty.

I wonder if there will be any movement to try and establish otherwise...

[Via Eric F]

Oak Tree Responds... questions about an Armatix FFL at their facility.

See today's update at the end of yesterday's GRE. [More]

El CampeĆ³n Gris

"At no time did I order anyone to commit violence," he said, after the government said his tweet giving defense advice caused a death. "I was helping unarmed civilians defend themselves….A priest recommends prayer, a doctor recommends medicine, a military man recommends how to defend." [Mas]
And more...

[Via John Comeau]

When May I Shoot a Student?

That decision won't be a problem for you, Greg. [More]

It never is for your type.

Still, as long as we're going for snarky laughs, why not describe what you'd be capable of doing if the situation ever imposed itself on you...?

[Via Kevin Starrett]


You know, Moms I'd Like to Mock...

(a.k.a. "Useful Idiettes")

So as Not to Offend

Damned American flag--I can see why it would incite violence! [More]

And the kid who wore one on his shirt, like he had some kind of rights or something? His kind aren't welcome here!

Note to Circuit Judge McKeown and all you other robed subversives: There is nothing "delicate" about the relationship of our rights to your edicts.

[Via Geordan]

Cause and Effect

I'm sure the folks doing all the spiking would be deterred by permitting, just like in DC and Chi-Town. [More]

Dang. If this is true, and if unpermitted guns are the cause, I and practically everybody I know had better evacuate our homes.  We're just lucky tragedy hasn't struck throughout the decades from our foolish reliance on self control and personal responsibility.

Thanks, Barbara Shelley!  Now that I know, I'll go get permission from my Prozi rulers and make things safe again.

Oh, and I would be careful about telling people I troll if I were you...

[Via bondmen]

I'm Shocked. Shocked.

If only they would disarm you and me.  [More]

[Via bondmen]

The Condition White Zone

Gabby and Mark want to make sure the only person in Condition Red is the evil one. [More]

Speaking of white zones and red zones at airports...

And don't call me Shirley.


Kamala! Kamala!
I know it gives a person pause,
Kamala, Kamala
  Those are the legal laws.

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.

Filmed in Barack-O-Rama

The White House is hosting a student film festival. [More]

So naturally... [Watch]

Let's see, "Directed and edited by Gabe Garcia...Narrated by Karen Villalbazo"...

Funny, no mention of Fast and Furious.

Also funny how their project is titled "Beyond the Crossfire," as what makes school shooters so successful is the firing generally comes from only one point, and it's not until the reality of return fire manifests that things get forced to an end.

"A social justice research project..."

The brainwashing is strong in these young collectivists.

Hey, "This Little Light of Mine" is a gospel song-- I didn't know you could do that on "public school property." 

Feelings, Nothing More than Feelings

With bargain-basement pricing and a cheeky slogan — “Defending those who defend themselves” — the venture seeks to tap into a feeling among some gun owners that the right to bear arms is under attack. [More]
Everybody sees what "legitimate news media's Authorized Journalist/real reporter" Laura Vozella just did here, right?

[Via Jo Anne M]

This Day in History: February 28

Reflecting popular mood and opinion, Parliament authorizes the King to negotiate an end to the war. [More]

Thursday, February 27, 2014

How "Strongly"?

"Strongly" enough to lower the grade you'll give to any Senator who votes to confirm him? [More]

Why don't you say that?

We're the Only Ones Masterful Enough

I'm the master. [Watch]
And if you don't obey gun surrender orders, you're anti-American.

California DOJ asked how ‘smart gun’ without microstamping made ‘safe’ roster

The inclusion of the Armatix handgun on the roster “means that it ‘should’ have microstamping, but it doesn't to my knowledge have that feature,” the industry source explained. “So the question that needs to be asked is how did the gun get on the roster on October 24th of 2013? Could it be because it somehow follows the narrative that the AG's office is pushing?” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks a couple simple questions that ought to have simple answers. You’d think.

The Prosecution Rests

But how he can sleep is another matter. [More]

[Via LS]

We Must Keep Guns Away from Children... they can be ripped apart and eaten alive by wild animals!  [More]

[Insert name of anti-gunner here] would have preferred it if these children had been horribly and painfully killed instead of armed. That's why Prozis who refer to them as "our kids," that is, resources of the collective, insist on keeping them ignorant about guns and then, in another "Opposite Day" manifestation, referring to that as "common sense gun safety."

Besides, what's that other Prozi slogan?
A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy...

Besides, that cougar had just as much right to live as these species-privileged animal murderers.

Just look at some of the comments essentially in agreement with that.

[Via Florida Guy]

Checkpoint Charlie


And remember: They hate us because we're free!

Oh What a Tangled Deep Dark Web We Weave...

While this sounds inherently illegal, it really isn’t; Allison Price, a spokesperson for the U.S. Justice Department, clarified to the Daily Beast: “There is no federal law prohibiting sales of firearms over the Internet, and the ready availability of firearms through social applications presents yet another avenue for unlicensed sellers to transfer guns anonymously and without background checks. [More]
Really? This is an even bigger threat than Deep Classified Ads?

So how come "The Armory" has to mill out power tools to smuggle shipments?

The "sales" described in this bullshit hit piece engineered to gin up hysteria against private sales  absolutely are "inherently illegal."  The Armory sounds more like a government-run undercover operation, and one intended to spread more disinformation than guns.

Funny, how everybody involved with this neglected to mention what the government knows damn well from their own report, that as far as "universal background checks" are concerned, "Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration..."

Gee, guys--agenda much...?

We're the Only Ones Losing Enough

One more reason why THEY ought to be required to use "smart guns"... [More]

Right, cop unions?

Calling a National Socialist a National Socialist

They don't like it. [More]

That's why we have the term "inconvenient truth."

Damn Prozis.

[Via JM]

Not Gun Rights Related, But...

The hearing has received almost NO press coverage to date. [More
So somebody's gotta do the job the media won't do.

[Via James Simpson]

We're the Only Ones Appropriate and Reasonable Enough

You thugs keep telling yourselves that. [More]

And by all means delude yourselves into thinking people buy it.

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones More Concerned Enough

"Every time our officer stops someone, there is concern someone has a gun. Now we have to be more concerned about who has a gun," he said. [More]
Hey, if you can't do the job, quit, whiner.

In re the Timmons quote stirring up so much outrage, as big of an authoritarian mudhead as the guy obviously is, in the video he said "automobile is not part of your home," not "your automobile is not your property," as the "real reporter" wrote.  I believe the simplest explanation is carelessness/laziness on the part of the "Authorized Journalist."

UPDATE:  This version has the written quote matching a more complete video quote:
"I don't think this has anything to do with the second amendment rights when you have the right to carry a weapon off your property," said Executive Director of the Alabama Sheriffs' Association, Bobby Timmons.  "An automobile is not a part of your home. It's a part of the public property."
Funny thing about the ASA--guess what they prominently display on their website?

Why did the alarm on my Weaselword Detector just go off?

[Via Scott J]

We're the Only Ones Impounding Enough

"Ordinary citizens, again and again, told us they didn't trust the police"... [More]

Keep squeezing, fellas.

Until our eyeballs bleed.

[Via David B]

The Undiscovered Country

This is deadly serious stuff, this foray into an undiscovered country that you have so blithely entered upon, like blind men and women tap dancing in a minefield you scarcely comprehend. [More]
Vanderboegh writes an "Open Letter to the Legislative Tyrants of Connecticut."

How to Spread a Lie and Subvert Freedom in Three Easy Steps

Step One: Anti-gun "researchers" publish an agenda-supporting "study" concluding access to firearms puts women at higher risks for homicide than men.

Step Two: "Authorized Journalists" pick up on it and conflate "access" with "ownership."

Step Three: Evangelize the gospel throughout the land.

By lumping peaceable and responsible people who control themselves in with those who are violent and irresponsible, the "average" is inflated, caused almost entirely by the latter group.

That's then used to con the public into supporting the disarming of those not hurting anyone via edicts that will not affect those responsible for the abuse.

Oh, and Scott Martelle...? It's not a hobby, you idiot.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brandon Speaks

Here's what he had to say about BATFU storefront ops... [More

UPDATE: Just scanned through it. Basically self-serving BS.

Where the hell's Gomer

National Treasures

Take a virtual tour--it's the only one you're likely to get for some time. [More]

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Two New NRA Videos

  • Natalie Foster exposes the media attention and celebrity status that has been assigned to our nation’s most evil villains. [Watch]
  • Meet Elaine. She's a 72-year-old widow who is ready and able to protect her family at a moment's notice. Her choice for self-defense: a semi-automatic rifle.[Watch]

One Step Closer... attempted confiscation in Connecticut... [More]

Profiles in Apathy

Why keep banging your head against the wall if nobody cares? [More]

I can't tell you how many unique and innovative efforts I've seen fold over the decades because of it.

We're the Only Ones Automatic Enough

“Because the weapon had not been delivered,” Callaway says, “it didn’t meet their threshold for a crime.” [More]
I'm not buying that, but I don't have time to search the law and precedent right now. It would seem the act of agreeing to do it elevates it at a minimum to an actionable conspiracy. I think had it been you or  I, assuming you or I were this damn dumb, we'd be looking at doing serious time along with a lifetime disability.

And how the hell does one even "legally" own such a weapon and not be aware of the rules in the first place?

Stop the Threat - "Kidnappers-Part Two"

Kidnapping is a federal offense. In this two-part series, we watch as a plan is implemented and an employee is snatched from her home. If you own a brick-and-mortar business and handle cash, this is a must-see two-part series for you and your employees.
Watch what happens on ATSN's Stop the Threat - "Kidnappers-Part One"

Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.
On the Pursuit Channel
Prime Time Every Friday!
6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern

Encore Presentations:
Wednesday: 2:00pm Pacific/5:00pm Eastern
Thursday: 10:00pm Pacific
Friday: 1:00am Eastern
DirecTV Channel 604/ DISH Network 393

It's All a Misunderstanding

Here's the headline for an email I just received:
You people don't really believe that, do you?

Totalitarian City

"Take down the sign or go to jail. We do not approve of guns...or you." [More
The masks are coming off more and more these days.

Who still thinks it's ultimately about guns?

[Via Florida Guy]

A Keynote Speaker

Note that's "former...leader" not "former communist." [More]

[Via Florida Guy]


The King is dead. Long live the Queen. [More]

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only One Totalitarian Enough

“I have my rights,” the man said.
“You have no rights,” the officer said. [More]
"The officer"...?

"Authorized Journalists" consider that a complete report?

[Via Florida Guy]

A False Assumption

That Americans have historically been more homicidal than the English is almost never discussed in the contemporary gun control debate... [More]
Hold the phone right there, pally.  I'm an American and I'm not homicidal. Neither is anyone I've ever known. 

This collectivist lumping of all of us together to form a general pool is misleading and deceptive. Those of us who conduct ourselves responsibly and with self-control do not belong pooled in with the degenerates who don't. 

I'll bet you could take the 5 million or so members of the NRA, arguably the most heavily-armed civilian population on the planet, and you'd find our general and homicidal violence rates are lower than just about anyone's anywhere.

If it Ducks Like a Duck

SCOTUS waddles away from another one. [More]

Rulers don't voluntarily give up power over others. There has to be an "or else" attached to if they don't, followed by a cost/benefit tradeoff analysis.

That's the way it's always been.

The Background Check Loophole

Dang. The guys didn't even fill out any forms... [More]

We're the Only Ones "He's OK" Enough

On the plus side, they've got her confession that she hit her daughter, so that oughtta be good for a lifetime Lautenberg disability... [Watch]

[Via Neil W]

Infiltrate and Disrupt

Those are generally acts of war against an enemy. [More]

So they're not all just "sadists and psychopaths"?

Some of them are professional sadists and psychopaths?

What does that say about those who employ them?

[Via Neil W]

The Enemy Within

I've been meaning to say something about this "gun guy" and others like him for some time but keep getting derailed by other stories. I'm glad to see Kurt taking him on and slapping him around so expertly. [More] 

Massachusetts gun owners--why do you give this guy your business?  What excuse could you possibly have that doesn't tell us all we need to know about the sorry condition you've allowed gun rights in your state to devolve into?

Here is today's Five-Minute Activism: Take a few moments to learn about this character, and a few more to spread the word, especially to anyone you know in the Bay State, including shooting clubs, that may deal with him.

Looking at some of the certification courses he offers on his Facebook page, NRA ought to stop having anything to do with him as well.  And if ever there was cause under the bylaws to expel a member...

Alan Beck Interview

Alan Beck? [More]

Hey, I put links in these things for a reason.

This is important. Not to mention exclusive to The Armored Porcupine.

Good job.

Hi-Yo Silver!

Chris Woodard has a generous proposition to help gun rights organizations that some of us acting as force multipliers could turn into something much bigger. [More]

I expect there are various state laws that would need to be considered.  Does anyone know what the feds have to say? Besides this?

I also expect "no purchase necessary" language would need to be included to keep everything above-board, especially in places with a state monopoly on games of chance...

But it's a good idea, a generous gesture, and something that could generate thousands of dollars for worthy groups that could really use the help, especially as they're doing what they do in the face of the well-financed Bloomberg/Joyce Foundation/etc. machines.

A "Privilege" Delayed

Those applying for a CCW today can expect to wait until August or September until the application is processed, he said. [More]
So does that establish a legally-recognized "special relationship," where the department has a duty to protect throughout the interim, and with enforceable consequences should it fail?


I didn't think so.

[Via Maureen]

We're the Only Ones Losing Enough

ATF agents have lost track of dozens of government-issued guns, after stashing them under the front seats in their cars, in glove compartments or simply leaving them on top of their vehicles and driving away... [More]
Why walk when you can ride?

This Day in History: February 26

South Carolina No. 1153 - AN ACT for disposing of certain Estates, and banishing certain persons, therein mentioned. [More]

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When Steaks are Outlawed

We must ban assault filets and enact common sense meat safety laws... [More]

[Via Maureen]

A Cutting-Edge Education

An active online petition at urges school officials to drop the charges against the student and end his suspension. [More]
I disagree.

Make the most ridiculously extreme and cruel example you can of him.  Be the biggest authoritarian bullies you can be.

Just look at the thousands of PO'd comments this has generated.

Keep making enemies.


[Via LS]

Madame Lawlor Knows All, Sees All

Once people realize they can’t keep the guns and magazines,“they’re going to get rid of them,” Michael P. Lawlor, the undersecretary for criminal justice policy and planning to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, says. [More]
Will his prediction come true or not? What do you think?

You can send your own predictions to our panel of judges via email or the old fashioned way.

And We'll Hold Our Breath 'til We Turn Blue

So there! [More]

What do you think the official and media responses would be if they'd instead demanded gun rights and signed their ultimatum with a "III"?

Check out that tuition.

I'm sure each and every one of them is doing what I did, and many of you did throughout our time at less-exclusive institutions: held all kinds of labor jobs. 

You know, workers of the world 'n all that.

It's easy to be a Marxist when someone else is paying the bills.  Karl did, through Engels, who himself received financial and employment assistance from his parents. Matter of fact, being arrogant parasites feeding on the property and labors of others, along with coercing/terrorizing people, is what it's all about.

"Progressive" Federalism

Enforce and ignore what I tell you to enforce and ignore. [More]

Or else.

Ukrainians demand gun rights as Venezuelans remain silent on issue

Citing the entry categorizing Ukrainian gun laws as “restrictive” ... that's still much better than the situation in Venezuela, where, thanks to edicts set in place by dead dictator Hugo Chavez, “Only the state may possess 'weapons of war', including: cannon, rifles, mortars, machine guns, sub-machine guns, carbines, pistols, and revolvers, be they automatic or semi-automatic. Civilians are only authorized to hold .22 rifles and shotguns (repeating and hunting).” [More]
This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a condition for reconciliation that people who demand to be free would consider non-negotiable.

There's an App for That

That tyrants try to block it should tell us everything we need to know. [More]

And Twitter played a key role.

It's beyond disappointing how many stiff-necked gun owners refuse to have anything to do with social media and are voluntarily ceding an information communications tool so powerful that collectivist governments want to shut it down.

Those who do are squandering resources and opportunities.

Just because they refuse to pick up a tool doesn't mean their enemies will refuse.

Letters to the Editor

Here's one dealing with the proposed tyranny in Burlington. [More]

When was the last time you wrote one. 


Why? Is your local paper too "pro-gun" as it is?

If you know enough to post comments on blogs, boards and social media, you know enough to spread a message that may be new to a less-specialized readership.


Escape from New York

Some upstate activists have a new New York State of Mind. [More]

[Via Joseph S]

Cyberattack of the Antis

This was waiting for me in my inbox this morning:
No doubt the link goes to a malicious site.

I doubt it came from someone in the organization, but there's always the possibility they've been hacked/had their address book hijacked.  My edress would be in it, because I signed up for bus tour notifications, which they never sent me.

Then again, it could just be someone who knows I signed up because I was encouraging everyone to do so at the time. I had one guy telling me he was an insider and offering to sell me the schedule.  I figured, if true, such a snake would do more damage if left to plot on his own.

In any case, it seems reasonable to believe this is targeted.  Here's the message source code, for any of you who know how to make heads or tails out of it:
x-store-info:7YsnRco0gQJ3EyekdHv0zlwbSFmh6T19lw0H9Cp5ZEx6D1RZG17SC+l2JXAs8WURhUVMDHRt/QLZxZiEpT4kDZRyeb7wfKNheF8pKpAVT5iSgn9MXkcz6ah6ol3Gh4OSss7poc/2YJ8= Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (sender IP is; identity alignment result is fail and alignment mode is relaxed); dkim=none (identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed); x-hmca=none X-SID-PRA: X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtHRD0yO1NDTD0w X-Message-Info: NhFq/7gR1vQyjzXYE8jYWufiQNeFNAIi8fQ/wFgbQD1rNh1i5dEHQzp8vTIkRRfY9FJNm5jGPiKTPqh9riTpeqwGMYUgkuThWrK+ykQpbB0x6wBUDJacF6k/94eJ/JF6WDBBeaP/yzsH5+BJIg4qFMC5sTJhXNTRjAmhtykuJ34oeBocnBg8xfEZ4gWONrStuHjT3cxQ/CciDx2s39gb1J05qATXQHV0 Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Tue, 25 Feb 2014 03:16:57 -0800 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=default; h=Content-Description:Content-type:Reply-To:MIME-Version:Date:Subject:To:From; bh=1SmaaUQj49jH/77mvnZ3zqZBbXpzqpg5H82Cg0TEDh0=; b=FcUWF7QDRs44erxoz7lmAHzsjvrUUW/sYXdThg+8cKnb7f7vt/pZXjiTPQ2ak5V+gwufNvVIJG+kkURewuBS5H7CXxXho78HE6VvARO6231t73oYtp5xtRk35EF/0s/0; Received: from ([]:2310 helo=mycomputer) by with esmtpa (Exim 4.82) (envelope-from ) id 1WIG0N-000qm5-43 for; Tue, 25 Feb 2014 11:16:55 +0000 From: "Bloomberg BusTour" To: "dcodrea" Subject: Bloomberg BusTour Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2014 12:16:56 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.5510 Reply-To: Content-type: Multipart/mixed; boundary="1872BEDD_42B5E946_boundary" Content-Description: Multipart message X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - X-Get-Message-Sender-Via: authenticated_id: Return-Path: Message-ID: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Feb 2014 11:16:58.0031 (UTC) FILETIME=[18E6ABF0:01CF321B] --1872BEDD_42B5E946_boundary Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline Content-Description: HTML text =EF=BB=BF hp
Bloomberg BusTour --1872BEDD_42B5E946_boundary--

Is "Pedro" a victim too?

Regardless, if you get a similar email, don't click on the link. 

This Day in History: February 25

By the fortune of War I was taken prisoner under Lord Cornwallis at York in Virginia. I have an Uncle in St Mary’s County Maryland, John [Somervell] by name, whom I never saw, but as I have often heard my Mother mention him with great tenderness and affection. I am acceedingly desirous to pay him a visit,could I be so happy Sir, as to obtain your permission for that purpose. [More]

Monday, February 24, 2014

This Day in History: Part Two

Regulars know I focus on the War of the Rebellion Era, and have been devoting this year to 1782.

Doug Rink has a situation report from another date and from a different rebellion that deserves our remembrance.

Your Activism Makes a Difference

GOA explains how, and even cites some guy I know. [More]

Workman weighs in...

...on Calderon corruption and Supreme cowardice... [More]

What They're Teaching in Schools These Days

Interesting course overview from a few years back... be even more interesting to see what's replaced it, or what more specialized units are taught. [More]

Do a "find" in this document on the search term "arms." 

Now remain civil. Don't get disturbed. 

Unlisted Numbers

They ought to just assume we all have guns, and then conduct themselves accordingly. [More]

[Via Russell S]

Supreme Court ducks three gun cases

“The Supreme Court refused ... as it has done repeatedly in recent years, to reopen the issue of whether Second Amendment rights to have a gun extend beyond the home”... [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes all the black robes need do to ensure the continuation of Second Amendment infringements is ... nothing.

Armed American Radio Redux

HUGE program. Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, Neil McCabe, The Rev. Ken “Black Man with a Gun” Blanchard, Niki Goesser, Larry Pratt, The Mad Ogre George Hill.
I was supposed to be on but called in and begged off due to a bad bout of some damn bug or other I started coming down with the day before.


If you want to know what it means, click here. [More]

Ban the 2nd Amendment!

But nobody wants to take your guns, you paranoids. [More]

I love it when these fascist fools froth so much at the mouth their masks slip off.

The Naked City

"In the city of New York, you don't have a right to own a gun," he said as a barrage of gunshots rang out behind the double-pane glass that looked out on the firing line. "It's a privilege." [More]
I guess if he believes that -- and the "short leash" comment shows he does -- for him, it is.

We're the Only Ones Wrecking Enough

A certified emergency vehicle instructor, Grinstead served as a Todd County field training officer, “working with less experienced Deputies familiarizing them with such duties as operation of squad cars under different conditions”... [More]
"Less experienced" at what?

And why am I picturing Mr. Magoo shaking his fist and yelling "ROADHOG!"...?

[Via Kevin Starrett]

We're the Only Ones Not Likely to Forget Enough

Back before "department protocol" had been firmly "established"...

[Via E. David Quammen]

We're the Only Ones Compounding Enough

Texas police double as Mahmoudberg's militia [More]
Thank goodness there are no Branch Davidians!

[Via Jess]

We're the Only...

...sorry, I'm at a total loss for this one. [More]

And then I see "Woman mistaken for goblin, axed to death," and "Man kills self over dad's 3 goblins," and "MDC T Parliamentarian Confesses to sleeping with spiritual husbands (goblins),"  and can only hope that the with the deportation of this guy, things will settle down top normal.

[Via Florida Guy]

Wherever the People are as Green as the Money... Friend. *

As I’ve noted here before, Republicans use Senate rules to play a con game on the folks back home. In a nutshell, they first arrange things to ensure that Obama gets his way, then formally vote against him once they are certain that opposition is futile. [More]
Oh this is a refined operation son, and I've got it timed down to the last wave of the brakeman's hand on the last train outta town.*

[Via Michael G]



To Serve Man

So what wine would go with that? [More]

And what's with the AKs? Don't these people have any respect for the law?

[Via Florida Guy]

The Connecticut/California Connection

The man behind the San Diego case, Mr. Edward Peruta, is Connecticut Carry's own Director Edward Peruta. [More]

Sign of the Times

This surprises anyone?

Just look at the composition of the council. Look at who heads the Charter Change Committee.

And look at what they've been trying to do.

Those who would rule want total control. And yes, of course they'd lie.

Not to mention "stonewall."

Anyone who thinks this is about "gun safety" hasn't been paying attention.

Oh, and the thought strikes-- yes, of course that's one of my "fauxtoshops." I put links in these things for a reason.

This Day in History: February 24

Plan of a Negotiation to the AmoĆŗnt of One Million Gilders. at the Charge of the United States of North America. [More]

Anti-gun California political powerhouses indicted on corruption charges

One connection "Authorized Journalists" writing for "mainstream" outlets have not, and will not explore, is the affinity the Calderon clan has for using their political power to impose citizen disarmament edicts. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a familiar pattern in those who would control us. No wonder they don’t want us armed.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bloomberg flacks continue planned attacks on Second Amendment

Since it was Bloomberg’s creature Barrett who brought up “exquisitely awkward syntax” of the period, now might be a good time to look up the word “flagitious,” just so we all know what kind of characters would make “such [an] attempt.” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the lickspittles are drooling all over the printing presses now that Master has more time on his hands.

Turning Gold into Straw

Read that carefully. The SOBs replaced the entire language of HB 1264, which would have extended carry reciprocity to residents of states that recognize the Second Amendment, to turn it into a stacked commission to rationalize more victim disarmament. [More]
And remember: Live free or die!

We're the Only Ones Snowballing Enough

According to police, a 13-year-old boy was charged as a juvenile with felony aggravated battery against a police officer Wednesday after he hit the officer in the arm with a snowball while the officer was parked in his vehicle in the 4900 block of West Congress Parkway about 3:20 p.m. [More]
Not that "the officer" doesn't have his defenders...

We're the Only Ones Not Overly Concerned Enough

It's good to be the king! [More]

I'm sorry that's the way it is, too.

We're the Only Ones Uncrossing Enough

Yep. Keep terrorizing people who previous to the encounter would probably have said you're the only ones with the trained judgment to be trusted with (you name it)... [More]

Quick -- somebody tell Juan Cofield!

You just keep winning hearts and minds, fellas.  Say, anybody been watching the situation in Kiev lately?

[Via Florida Guy]

Preemptive Strike

Workman has more on that "ATF storefront sting" OIG investigation. [More]

You know, the one they conveniently announced before the House Judiciary Committee turns the fan on next Thursday...

First One to Jump in the Blood Puddle Makes the Biggest Splash!

While there is no shortage of shrieking useful idiots masquerading as "Authorized Journalists," you'd better believe there are calculating minds that selected them for that exact reason. [Watch]

AAR Presser

I'll of course do my regular reminder announcement on Sunday.

Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

Identify each gun store selling this abomination and boycott the stupid SOBs. [More]

And demand all gun and ammo companies cease supplying them.

Who has this on their shelves?  Make an example of them.

Or. do nothing, and let this cancer metastasize.

What Would Jesus Shoot?

I dunno. [More]

I believe worldly lessons are intended to apply to us.

When this argument comes up, I always think of that question from Star Trek V.

The Next Phase

What the hell is wrong with you, pederastophobe...? [More]

Who believes this was a result of "poor planing"?

[Via Florida Guy]

Lessons of Connecticut

Let's hope they pay attention in class and don't have to learn the hard way. [More]

Do Not Attempt to Adjust the Picture. We are Controlling Transmission.

Along with everything else, don't forget information and opinion control. [More]

Oh, and look: The one in charge is the daughter of a "powerful" Democrat politician.

"Mignon"?  I guess it's a good thing they weren't eating bacon cheeseburgers that night.

Still, I question what she's actually done in life to give her the operational experience to do any more than take the guided studio tour along with the rest of us, and let's see:
  • She ran a "family-founded newspaper" -- in other words, Daddy got her the job.
  • She "served" on the SC Public Service Commission -- in other words, Daddy got her the job.
Welcome to the meritocracy!

Then I look at what her ruling philosophy is, and that too requires a bit of translation:
  • "When the market is not adequately addressing consumer concerns, Clyburn is an outspoken champion for smart, targeted regulatory action." -- And guess who "the decider" is and what the criteria are.
  • "She has pushed for media ownership rules that reflect the demographics of America, affordable universal telephone and high-speed internet access..." -- You know, race-based redistribution of wealth.
We now return control of your television set to you.

You believe that, don't you?

UPDATE: "FCC 'study' a ruse for gov't control of media."

She's Right, You Know

At least about those who allow themselves to be useful idiots. [More]

This Day in History: February 21

Major Villefranche of the engineers has this morning intimated to me, that he thinks he has been forgotten in promotion, and fears the reason has been, absence from the active and glorious seige of York and capture of earl Cornwallis. [More]

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Flak from Bloomberg flack shows GOA over target on immigration and guns

..Wilkinson lacks both the skill and the wit to come across as anything but eager to savage people he hates, which is more than a little creepy. That’s why, rather than present credible data to counter GOA, he defers to talk of clouds and bunnies, while resorting to nothing more than cumulus fluff himself. Remember, with “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day, and every indictment they level against another is really a reflection on themselves. The guy has nothing but insults to rely on in his vain attempt to deny the demonstrable and he knows it. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the sarcasm would be a lot more biting if the guy dishing it out weren’t such an obvious tool. And the fact they want to discourage us is all the more encouraging.

Laughing at Liberals Live Broadcast

This Friday, February 21st, 7:00 Pacific, Laughing At Liberals will be presenting their 2nd live broadcast event. Join Portland attorney and candidate for Congress James Buchal, as he gives a presentation on the NSA spying and how serious the threat is to our privacy. The event will be at Portland State University, presented by the campus chapter of the College Republicans. If you can't be there in person, tune in to for the live broadcast! [More] 
Also see links to important recent videos.

The Armed Citizen

Bloomberg's idiot Moms Demand Field Corn would rather every one of these people had been killed than armed. [More]

Good News in Iowa

Silencer Bill Passes House Judiciary Committee with Broad Bipartisan Support! [More]

We're the Only Ones Loving Our Peeps Enough

Police in Charlotte say a police officer has been arrested and charged with having inappropriate photos of underage girls. According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, officer Thomas E. Allen was arrested by CMPD detectives and charged with four counts of secretly using a photographic imaging device to view another’s body or undergarments and four counts of possessing photographic images in violation of the peeping statute. [More]
Oui, Monsiuer Chevalier?
Each time I see a leetle gehl
of five or seex or seven
I cahn't rhesist zee joyous urge
to smile and say t'ank Heaven...
[Via Portly Pirate]

Hitting the Fan

On Feb. 27, the Judiciary Committe's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations — chaired by U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) — will hold a hearing. [More]
I understand ATF management is, as we speak, involuntarily extruding plenty of material destined for the spinning blades...

UPDATE: Mike sees a pattern in all this.

William Alsup for Boss of You

The fool already thinks he is. [More]

I wonder if he's thought through the round up.

There's Money in Them Thar Halls

Per VTFSC: "The leading legislator advocate of gun control in the Vermont Legislature is also a paid lobbyist. Rep. Waite-Simpson is the lead sponsor on H.124 and H.125 draconian gun control bills."

So the more the state can strip your rights, the more she personally profits.

Here's how she does it.

Will They? Won't They?

Say they don't.  Or say they do and you don't like what they say. [More]

Who thinks that's the final word?

EMail Alert!

I get 'em all the time, and have to pass on sharing most of them due to one simple reason:

Every advocacy group email alert sent out should have a link where the info resides--if not on the group's website, then on a free document storage site like Scribd, or even as a post on their Facebook page. The reasons are many, including most bloggers and users of social media won't be able to copy and paste an entire email, but would gladly share a link. And often times I get emails but am so wrapped up in other demands I have to let things slip past me -- whereas if I had a link, I could just give readers a one-sentence intro and then hand them off to the group's website for the complete story.

Don't just rely on people forwarding emails. The important thing is to get the message shared by as many as possible.  If the groups don't do this, they are letting an opportunity escape them, and most need all the help spreading the word they can get.

UPDATE: Say Uncle has been down this road before, and has more useful tips on how to help us help you.

We're the Only Ones Gaming Enough

The family attorney representing a 17-year-old boy who was shot and killed by a Euharlee police officer says that the boy was holding a video game controller when he was shot opening his door. [More]
Hey, the important thing is, did the conspicuously unnamed "officer" get home safely?

[Via Dave Licht]

Underwritten by PepsiCo

Crap rots your teeth anyway... [More]

I note the guy got corporate denials, so that means someone is lying.

[Via Brenda G]

Meanwhile, Over in the Green Mountain State

The Reds in Burlington cited the wrong statute in their citizen disarmament "charter change." [More]

"No problem," says the city attorney, and why not?  After all, these are the same insolent scofflaws who have been in-your-face stonewalling lawful records requests since September.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs just sent out this email:
These two radio ads began playing on at 6 AM on WDEV, a station that hits a large broadcast area, including the Burlington and Montpelier areas. And if you think this is just a gun control in Burlington problem and does not impact you in your town you are wrong, dead wrong.

Yesterday the E-mail alert below went out from a national gun control organization to Vermont antis.

"But this isn't just Burlington's fight. Whatever happens to these three proposed changes will help set the stage for reforming Vermont’s gun laws."

This is an attack on the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights, state law effective since 1988, which protects guns, ammo, reloading, shooting, hunting, fishing and trapping from municipal attack. In 2006 range protection from municipalities political driven whim was added. Burlington is attacking all of your rights.

If Burlington gets their exemption to this law, other municipalities will seek the same.

These "NO" Burlington ballot items are 6, 7, 8. Got friends in Burlington? Tell them to vote "NO"

Protect your Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights. Check it out at
I don't see where they have posted the radio spots on their website. I'll ask and update this with a link if they do. If not, i need to do a workaround, but just don't have time right now.


We're the Only Ones Who Know the Law Better Than You Do Enough

Besides, Bill here, the one standing, doesn't like oversight from mere mundanes. [Watch]

Raising the Stakes

Two can play that game. [More]

I wonder if those who want to play it here realize that.

The Stenosis Worsens

Yet while enduring and suffering, he still manages to do more than just about anyone, and I know I'm not the only one who owes him a lot. [More]

That's why I get particularly disgusted with the overwhelmingly obvious lack of response to appeals like this. With very rare exception, everyone reading this could afford to send the guy a few bucks right now.

Who Needs an "Assault Weapon"?

A frightened woman with two little kids -- and look what happened. [More]

I can't help but wonder how Mark Glaze or Dan Gross would have fared in a similar situation... 

Or the two Joshes or Laddie, or Colin Whatzisname, who had time to dial 911, or...

Yeah, everybody, listen to the Anti-Gun He-MenThey'll save you.