Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Custer's Men Faced Better Odds in 1876 than You Do at this Moment

Mike Vanderboegh writes an open letter to the New York State Police. [More]

It's an important letter.  I believe it could literally help save lives as well as help advance the cause of Liberty.

Because of that, I believe everyone who frequents Sipsey Street Irregulars owes a duty -- not just to Mike for providing work they get value from, but to themselves and their loved ones -- to share his letter far and wide.  Seriously -- if you're a regular there and if you agree with him and if you still don't do this, I can think of no excuse that reflects kindly.

There's one other very important thing that regulars who get value from Mike's work need to do, and that's kick a few bucks his way so he can keep the lights on. If you're an Irregulars regular, I don't need to repeat how difficult things have been for him and his family as he continues to struggle through severe health threats that would leave a lesser man wallowing in self-absorbed incapacitation.  On days that would send most of us groaning to our beds, our friend is out there laboring against the pain and applying his unique intellect like there's no tomorrow -- which I routinely pray there will be.

What he does is a full-time job and more. 12-hour + days are the norm, and he doesn't just close up shop Friday at 5 until Monday morning. And most of you never see what goes on behind the scenes, and what it takes before the finished product is ready for consumption, or what irons are in the fire, all of which demand attention.

Not to mention the personal risks...

As I remind readers when I put out these pleas from time to time, I'm not asking you to send charity.  I'm asking those of you who perceive that you get value from regularly having free access to Mike's work to return some value in kind. I suggested some time back that a voluntary subscription of $1 per month is hardly asking too much, but don't let that stop you from giving less -- or more.

There is a "Donate" button in the right sidebar of his blog, or if you prefer, you can send a check to P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126.

1 comment:

  1. Understood. Have done so. Thanks for the post.


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