Thursday, March 20, 2014

None the Weisser

An anti-gun rights FFL is butthurt (see comments). [More]


Principled gun owners would have nothing to do with the guy.

Of course, neither would principled gun companies.


  1. Hilarious that he is asking for equal time. How are his views any different from the garbage talking points stated on cable news, network news, or any major newspaper?!?!?!

    Great article! You have caught their latest tactic, and I am sure he hates being called out on it so he is begging for equal time - when his side already has the vast majority of time. We just have the truth on our side.

  2. By all means, please post this there. I just emailed the editor and told him the mods need to get off their duffs and not let comments go unapproved for so long.

  3. Its telling that "the Gun Guy" is the go to "gunnie" for Huffington Post.

  4. Thanks David - I did post this and added some more under the neoconned name. Maybe they will start approving comments quicker bc I posted something yday and didn't see it approved until today!

    I hope you can keep writing stuff like this and getting out ahead of the newest gun control movements and evolutions. Thanks to the Internet, that will be able to spread and come up when google searches are done in the future on that person - and that is exactly what he is freaking out about. They have seen what the Internet types have done to Obama and Bloomberg on the gun issue and don't want it happening to them.


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