Friday, April 25, 2014

We're the Only Ones Backward Enough

... he claimed the dog was about to bite him and shot the dog to defend himself ... the necropsy report by a veterinarian proves that Candy was shot in the back of the head. [More]
No wonder they had to get rid of him for HIS safety...

[Via Florida Guy]


  1. Wow, as the owner of a blue heeler mix I recognize that bark. That dog is a total "lover." Tail wagging, ears up, "woof woof woof." That's the typical blue heeler "Hey I want to play, maybe give you a kiss or two" behavior. For a cop to be afraid of a 30-40 lb blue heeler, while in farm country, is asinine. I bet the mail man has given Candy plenty of scratches behind the ears over the years. My UPS guy always gives my heeler mix "Buster" a quick pat and hand/paw shake when he's out. Such a shame.

    Unfortunately he'll probably quietly hired by another department in the next few months.

  2. I guess meter readers and mail carriers who never shot a dog are all heroes.

    Effing coward. Looks like the guy shot the dog because he wanted to - not to keep from being bit.

    Why do so many armed and dangerous JBT's find it necessary to murder dogs and even kittens? Isn't there a warning about sociopaths starting their careers by hurting pets?

  3. This comment was posted by "HiCarry" on my JPFO alert announcement--I believe it belongs here:
    Why is it that if you shoot, or in any manner try to injure a "police dog" you are tried as if you attempted to shoot or injure a "human" officer. But, the police shoot your dog and it's "oh, so sorry, but you can get another dog...."

  4. I was just thinking: this *is* news,
    in that the canicide [fancy term
    for "puppycide"] was terminated.
    But then I saw John's comment.

  5. it's like there's some kind of open
    secret signalling going on.

    netsearch on "jihad" and "dogs"
    for one possiblity.


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