Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Good First Step

So driving a car becomes tacit consent to relinquish your right against self-incrimination?  [More]

Say, why don't we try something similar with guns?

If you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

[Via Florida Guy]


  1. Until this sort of insanity ends, I'm going to be sending a lot more cash towards my friendly local mechanic to maintain ever-older automobiles.

    Yet one more of the innumerable leaves on the weed of criminal government; no time to spend on this leaf, though, as I'd rather strike the root.

    "Who owns you, anyway?"

  2. This makes my old 81 Chevy PU look good. Along with all of my "dumb" guns.

  3. Look for "laws" to make older cars illegal without add-ons. And look for the "driving is a privilege" crowd to enable them.


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