Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Greater of Two Evils

Where are the Conservatives? [More]

Establishment "Republicans" will do everything they can to derail principled Constitutionalists, and then hit them with "Who else you gonna vote for?"

Meanwhile, they'll be supported by a corps of cynical professional promoters, bolstered by a volunteer  contingent of Kool Aid-drinking useful idiots, to ruthlessly attack anyone suggesting principles actually matter enough to act on.  They'll use self-serving platitudes like "The perfect is the enemy of the good" and accuse anyone who balks as being responsible for losing the election!!!

No, the ones who are responsible are the ones who offer no real choice.  Ol' lefty Prof. Quigley had 'it pegged, and some of us refuse to fall for the grand con job any more.

Right, I'll be supporting frauds like this unprincipled f***  real quick...

But then the Democrats will win and you'll lose your guns!!!

No, because at that point, election results don't matter. I have guns, and because WE ARE EVERYWHERE, "they" are going to need to come and take them. They can't get everyone's, and they know that. Being dared to try is what made them balk at mass confiscations in New York and Connecticut. The BLM/Bundy mess is just a taste of what could be in store on a national scale, and add in people who are prepared and know what they're doing, and it's tyranny's worst nightmare.

Of course RKBA is a deterrent against it.  Why do you think they're so noisy about attacking its proponents as "domestic terrorists"? It's because they know how fragile their grip really is once a critical mass of people realize the whole machine runs on fraud.  And that scares the hell out of them.

Be done "compromising."

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The 'lesser of two evils' is still evil, and not that much (if any) less.
    Which reminds me of a long-ago comic wherein a character lamented a "sorry choice between the evil of two lessers"...nice.


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