Tuesday, May 13, 2014

We're the Only Ones Brandishing Enough

The State Patrol took the man with the gun into custody. He was questioned and released after officers learned he was an ATF agent who was carrying proper credentials. [More]

See, that makes brandishing on the freeway OK. Just ask him.

What? You can't because they don't have to identify him?  Because he's "undercover"?

What? You want more details, just to make sure he was really facing down a bad guy in the course of  duty, and not just being a badged thug?

What are you, some kind of damned domestic terrorist?  Besides, this took place in Operation Fearless/Full B. Todd territory.  If you can't trust them, who can you trust?

[Via everrest]

1 comment:

  1. "Brandishing" - how quaintly old fashined!



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