Friday, May 30, 2014

We're the Only Ones Unlimited Enough

Seattle Police Sue to Stop New Limits on Force [More]
But...but...but...Mayor Murray has already got everything prepared...

It's almost like the agenda Holder fronts for only uses Prozi idiots until such time as he finds it advantageous to discard them...


  1. The public at large would be safer if ALL POLICE at every level were required by law to carry ONLY REVOLVERS with 1894's and a pump shotgun in the car.

    They have plenty of force and there is no excuse for the police brutality, the emptying of full capacity magazines on "suspects" or crowds we see on the rise daily. The police have PLENTY of manpower, plenty of communication, they DO NOT NEED HIGH CAPACITY WEAPONS. The public would be better served and safer if they did not have them

    It's the PUBLIC THAT SHOULD GO HOME SAFE - If you're a cop - you signed up for the job and I expect you to be HONEST, Deferential to the law abiding public, standing with integrity between the citizens and harm and not a state (or fed) robbery and bully squad.

    EVERYONE would be safer if the police had revolvers only and if their qualified immunity was removed. In states where law abiding citizens have CCW's the police are more polite.

    The police work for us - at every level - DEMAND the .gov at every level stop building the SS

    Fight islam Now

  2. from the linked article: "Every day 33 Americans are killed by guns – Mayor Murray and his fellow coalition members are not willing to stand idly by."

    How many of those daily kills can be attributed to cops? Even cops off duty?


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