Holder: 'Homegrown Violent Extremists … Keep Me Up at Night' [More]Nice SPLC-style conflation job there, AG Holder! And of course you realize "the experience that we had in Boston" involved foreign enemies imported into this country by calculated "immigration" laws.
Funny thing: Eric must not have had any trouble at all sleeping after Monty Wilkinson told him Brian Terry had been killed -- the night of the murder. Why, months later, he was swearing under oath he'd never heard of Fast and Furious until he saw something about it on the news.Apparently the news didn't upset him enough to want to find out more about a call he got in the middle of the night precipitated by Dennis Burke, the DOJ functionary at the heart of "managing" Gunwalker damage control.
By all accounts, he slept like a baby.
If you believe those accounts.
Funniest thing I've seen all day! Good job, David.