Thursday, July 24, 2014

Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose

At what point is there? Nothing left to lose, that is...? [More]

[Via Kid Sister]


  1. This is a simple answer to the question of who owns you and, who owns your children? A phone call in this instance answered the questions.

    I opined years ago that suicide was a crime because it deprives the state of a taxpayer.

  2. this is a too close parallel to the
    case of Justina Pelletier, imprisoned
    by Boston Children's Hospital for about
    a year; they also alleged "medical child
    abuse." her mother also sought a second
    opinion *as advised by MDs at Tufts*
    who referred her to BCH.

    Glenn Beck to give him his due, reported on this (so did DU, IIRC).

    A Free Republic poster, mid June of
    this year mentioned an .org by the
    name of "Liberty Counsel" who
    represented the Pelletier parents.

    Justina in BCH custody deteriorated;
    she was a figure skater, and exited
    in a wheelchair.

    She also had a rare disorder:
    mitochondrial disease.

    Her father defied a court gag order,
    which may well have saved her life.


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