Wednesday, July 02, 2014

On Target

While we continue to follow local laws regarding "open carry" policies, we also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target, even in communities where it’s permitted. [More]
That first part is all that should matter to us. For a company that never wanted this distraction in their stores and were forced to walk a tightrope, what more do "we" demand from them?

This is no victory for the antis. If they tell people it is, they're liars, which should not come as a big news flash.

If someone doesn't want to fight and is leaving you alone, don't back him into a corner. If you do, expect him to react in his interests, not yours.

If you still don't like it, you don't have to shop there. Me, in the absence of belligerent aggression that invites further observations, I'm moving on.

UPDATE: Well, I thought I was moving on, but do want to chime in one more time to present Workman/s take. Since posting this, I've seen some gunner indignation from groups and individuals along with pledges to boycott Target -- as I said, if that's your pleasure, do what you think best. As far as organizing action to communicate with management, I don't see the effort it would take to nudge an already forced corporate position being worth it, especially with so many other more dangerous priorities to focus energy on.

[Via Bluesgal]


  1. That could not be said better, David. It's things like this that continue to make me proud to send people who need to know things, to you.

  2. I don't have a bone to pick with Target. They were put in a bad position. However, my reading comprehension must work differently than that of the majority of 2A supporters. Their request specifically says, "...But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law."

    Note that it doesn't say anything about an exception for concealed carry or only applying to open carry. They are not banning me, nor am I boycotting them. I am merely respecting their plainly worded desires and their property rights enough to comply with their request.

  3. The Anti-'s were saying boycott them, then Target conceded, and some of them were still saying "I'll never shop at Target"...I never shop there anyway, but I don't want anyone on 'our side' pissing them off for little or no gain. The anti's seize upon this and compete for best pictures of Open Carriers:


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