Friday, August 22, 2014

Huge and Troubling JPFO News

Claire Wolfe has resigned over a proposed takeover by SAF. [More]

I've been part of some behind-the-scenes conversations with her and others on this.

For now, I'm simply going to link you over to her piece and suppress my own comments. My columns will continue until I'm told they are no longer wanted or I until have personal reasons compelling me not to go on. I do not foresee, nor would I tolerate, having my writing directed.

My goal is for the group to continue true to Aaron Zelman's vision for its purpose. I will presume that to also be the goal of anyone coming in until I see it proven differently.

This saddens me, and I do understand time has run out to say something before it's a done deal. Claire is an amazing talent and intellect, and JPFO has been a unique, no-compromise effort that is desperately needed. I want to see us all emerge unified and stronger. 

I will say this much: Anyone who opposes the merger but will not personally help with needed operating funds wants something from others for nothing.


  1. I knew Aaron. I trust Claire and I trust you. I'll watch and see too.

  2. So what is going on now? As just a joe out here, trying to do my part to keep up the RTKBA fight, I am confused here... Are SAF now thought of as bad guys? I a troubled by what I am hearing.. I viewed both SAF and JFPFO as two very important entities, both doing real good and critical work... All the SAF supported court cases and important victories are the reason I have supported them. And the same for JFPFO and the promotion of why we need te be armed to fight tyranny. Is this an "egos" thing? Man, we have plenty to fight without fighting each other.... I am very sorry to hear about this inter-group friction.

  3. DamDoc,
    I also knew Aaron fairly well. He was totally unwilling to EVER compromise with anyone who would infringe our rights. Claire has always been the same.

    SAF has been very active, but Alan Gottlieb was found to compromise a number of times.

    From Claire's post:
    "Gottlieb certainly confirmed many of the things Aaron said about him when he supported the Manchin-Toomey (really Manchin-Toomey-Schumer) universal background check bill last year. ( He even boasted of having spent hours helping to write the bill."

    Do some searching on that topic if you want more information. That was more than enough all by itself for me to reconsider any support for SAF.

  4. I wish I knew more. It is more than ego, as Claire's piece indicates, but I'm inclined to presume no one intentionally driving members away. That said, I'm not involved in any of the machinations on this and can only reveal that when I was approached on this, my response was pretty much what I said in this blog post:

    I intend to continue until someone in a decision-making capacity tells me to stop or if I see changes to the organization's posture and principles that make it untenable for me to continue to affiliate.

    I don't know what else to do, although it's always possible this will be a moot point soon.

  5. thanks all for the feed back.. I will look into this more.. But I have a hard time not making sure Alan Gura has the funds he needs.. Any alternatives?

  6. JPFO was always a unique organization, and I find it hard to imagine it without its independence.

    It would be unfortunate for GOA to take over JPFO.

    I would find it unacceptable for a more pragmatic organization like SAF or NRA to take over JPFO.

  7. How about joining up with NAGR?

  8. NAGR is a front to generate donations and not much more (other than stroking DB's ego). That would be awful!


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