Monday, August 18, 2014

Wer'e the Only Ones Learning Enough

Knoxville Police Cadet Gunned Down Family Members – Rifle Stops Him! [More]
So what's going to happen to the "vigilante"?

After all, it's easy to see how the trainee assumed he was just following established department protocol...


  1. What will happen who stopped him, according to news reports, is nothing according to news reports.

    I live next door to Knoxville and I resent the wisecrack in you're second led. You intimate he was following a pattern condoned by Knoxville when the link is to a San Francisco news article. Domestic violence is a problem in Law Enforcement as it is in almost every profession but the implication that Knoxville condones domestic violence by it's members is wrong.

  2. David, did you catch this?


    "They don’t carry guns, and are assigned tasks like answering citizen phone calls, issuing parking citations and assisting officers on various assignments. They’re not sworn, and classified as civilians."

    Uh, 'scuse me, ALL cops are civilians, sworn or not, dumbass.

    I wonder if it's the reporter who's a dumbass or the PD spokesperson?

  3. Sigman - I suggest you read a plethora of the "Only Ones" stories linked to from this site before you get you panties all knotted up. Had you bothered to actually read what's on this site, instead of trolling over and discovering ways to be offended - because you live "next door to Knoxville" and know so much about the LEO's there, maybe, just maybe, you'd get it.

    While you're here, check out some of the links to citizen disarmament proponent articles, and you'll understand even more.
    BTW, do you even comprehend sarcasm? It would appear not.

  4. O.K., he's not an "only one", but he might be considered an "Only One J.G."

    He would have gotten there eventually.

  5. I resent cops and copsuckers. Which one are you Sigmoidoscopeman?

  6. Ned, I don't believe law enforcement should receive any break when they violate the law. The implication of the lede was that this department condones rogue behavior. They don't and do not have a history of doing so. Cops are drawn from the ranks of the community and no matter how hard any agency tries, bad ones slip in sometimes. Some agencies seem more OK with bad actors that others but to paint all cops as rogues and all agencies as bad is no better that anti gun forces view of gun owners as raving mass murders. I know hundreds of cops, they are all pro gun, anti big brother. And Anonymous, if you had enough nerves to put your name to your comment, maybe you could find out.

  7. OK, I'll weigh in. I've got nerve. You've made your point Sigman, you didn't like it. I get that. That's your privilege. But your last line sounds almost like a veiled threat, and for a guy who posts under a screen name, a pretty hollow and hypocritical one at that -- but it does make Anon's question a fair one, if inartfully stated. Are you a cop? And/or of the "hundreds" you know who are "pro-gun, anti big brother" how many would arrest me for exercising what any honest person would cede is an unalienable right if I were bearing arms and didn't have state "permission"? Would you?

  8. Looks like someone lost their nerve.


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