Monday, September 08, 2014


What do you think? Would you buy one of these guns? [More]
No, I would not.

For me, anyway, it's a matter of conditioned expectation/safety.

I also don't trust ATF not to rain on everybody's parade.

[Via Joshua Prince]


  1. A trigger like that would be great on my Citori 625 on skeet doubles!

    Naw, not really. Looks like an accident waiting to happen.

  2. Don't want one.

    1. That bi-mode is a negligent discharge waiting to happen. Once you've pulled the trigger, I see no mention of a way to avoid the second shot. NYPD should like it; maybe that's the target demographic. (Maybe you can stop the second shot by putting it on safe before releasing the trigger, but what happens when you take it off safe?)

    2. Bi-mode is going to generate liability lawyer feeding frenzies. Prosecutors will salivate over the chance to nail some defensive shooter to the wall.

    3. I don't see how the ATF (who've managed to class bump-fire stocks and shoestrings as machine guns) wouldn't call this a machine gun. An individual manual operation of the trigger fires two successive shots. A bump-fire device still requires the finger to hit the trigger for each round discharged. A real machine stops firing when you release the trigger. (When he claimed this complies with all federal laws, I wondered. Would the trigger have a finger loop so you would manually move the trigger forward for the second shot? Nope; you just take your finger off -- vid shows him pulling his finger out of the guard and a round discharging!)

    How did they not think this through? "Extra training?" No sh-t; you're dealing with a manual of arms that runs opposite of centuries of usage: get your booger hook off the bang switch if you don't want to fire.

  3. Not just no, but HELL no.

  4. I don't want to buy one...

    ... but someone who does want to buy one has no business being blocked from doing so.

    "shall not be infringed"

    If you are truly free, you must also be free to be silly (or stupid).



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