Monday, October 27, 2014

Meanwhile, Over at the Most Transparently Fraudulent Administration in History...

None, or virtually none, of the documents itemized in the index have anything to do with setting government policy, which is the type of communication the deliberative process privilege is intended to protect. Rather, based on the descriptions given by DOJ’s lawyers, they are all about how the administration will try to spin the Fast and Furious scandal to avoid political damage. [More]
Did the Obama administration deliberately lie to Congress and the American people? This is the question to which Barack Obama evidently does not want us to know the answer.
We already know. No one with authority or reach wants to pursue it.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

  1. The honest gun owner just does not get it - government policy is all about how the administration will try to spin the Fast and Furious scandal to avoid political damage.



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