Friday, November 07, 2014

594 Myths

Since we know Bloomberg & Co. intend to repeat what they just did in Washington in other states, the time is now -- not when they've got the media saturated -- to make information like this go viral.  [More]

It's also way past time to call the antis' bluff on only wanting "background checks" by daring them to promote a method to ensure prohibited persons are excluded from lawful gun sales where no information identifying either gun buyers or what they purchased needs to be collected.

They won't of course, which means this is one more way their lies can be exposed.


  1. But David, the whole purpose of these "background checks" is to collect the names and any other information they can gather - as we all know. The gun grabbers don't consider that a bug, but a feature, so I don't see how challenging them with it will help.

    Unfortunately, too many otherwise good people are still convinced that the collection of this information is not really bad, and that "if it saves one life" they're fine with it. And that, of course, is what gives the gun grabbers continued traction.

    So, in the end I think it is far more important and productive to do everything we can to question the "authority" of these people, and their overall integrity, not just argue about the relative merits or success of the methods they choose to do the grabbing.

  2. Now that the Molon Labe crowd had effectively screwed Washington state through their inaction, I have a suggestion.

    Every gun owner in Washington should loan guns to each other, and, of course, do all the required paperwork. If several hundred thousand gun owners per day did this for several months, the system would likely crash.

    Now - go forth and obey the law.

    1. That's one of the best and funniest ideas I've heard in a long time.


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