Friday, November 14, 2014

Let Commie Sense Prevail

If you can’t get a gun, You can’t use a gun. [More]
Thanks for admitting the end game.

And no, you don't need to trade freedom for security.  One day, that big lie will be exposed, and the superior security of true freedom will be evident to all who conduct themselves in a manner consistent with it -- and especially to all who won't.

And who cares what a delegation of foreign collectivists think about the right to keep and bear arms?  Besides Prozi subversives and the gundupes who empower them?

I think I'll take advantage of the two-edged Alinsky Rule 5 and start using "commie sense gun control."  Those leanings are "hinted at," Representative-Elect Burton, because that is what you promote. If there's a more weasel-worded, fork-tongued example of doublethink than your "Passion for rugged individualism; but valuing collective responsibility" slogan, I've yet to hear it outside of the Ministry of Truth.

[Via Paul B]

1 comment:

  1. "...lack of reasonable and successful gun control measures in the U.S. one finds in every other country in the free world." [emphasis added]

    How revealing that he regards places with gun control as "free."


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