Monday, November 17, 2014

Why Would These People Want YOU Armed?

What's in it for them? [More]

Funny, how "progressives" represent themselves as the champions of the little guy, yet oppose true egalitarian power-sharing with billionaire-funded hatred.

Opposite Day, remember?

I've heard some ask where the pro-gun billionaires are to counter Bloomberg.  Do they really want someone else to do for them what they should be doing for themselves? Do they not understand that such creatures are all about control, and the funding is not free, but is, in fact enslaving of all who accept it?

Puppets have strings. Someone else controls their movements.

1 comment:

  1. Well, be more specific, please.

    Sock puppets have intrusive hands, not strings.

    Marionettes have the strings. Manipulation is by the Mastermind.

    Either way, you're screwed.


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