Monday, December 15, 2014


Well there's a tale told by an idiot... [More]

I've got to find out -- not just in VA, but in WA and NV and CT and everywhere -- how many gun owners are there in those states and how many of them could be bothered to vote. And of those who didn't, how many anonymously post "Molon Labe!" comments...


  1. Link is wrong.

  2. So - if one is behind on child support, does he or she lose any other rights, or just the right to self-defense?


  3. Virginia gun owners had a choice of the lesser of two evils at the last election, and we chose the evil who was at least honest about his position on banning guns. The opponent was dishonest about and lied to gun owners to get elected to attorney general, then stabbed gun owners in the back.

    McAwful is a small price to pay to send the lying scumbag the republican party ran against McAwful packing.

  4. Understood. Still, how many gun owners are in VA, and what could have been done with a large enough committed contingent to pressure the Repub convention delegates who selected Cuccinelli, or to force them back to a primary? The larger question is how many gun owners are there, and is it more than the number that put either one of the candidates in office? More than a million? More than two? I saw one source that said 35%, presumably of the adult citizen population eligible to vote. Any feel for how many of those are kneejerk Democrats and how many others are simply do-nothings? And how many are VCDL members?


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