Thursday, December 04, 2014

Molen Labia

Ron Molen, that is. [More]

Comment posters I've seen so far are no better, including the obligatory "gun owner and former NRA member" who is incensed and indignant over the right to keep and bear arms meaning just that, and all the Markley's Law hacks who seem to think they;re being original.  Maybe there's something in the water...?

Oh, yeah: Salt.


  1. David,

    Have you seen the Bagley cartoon?

    Might be worth s separate blog entry, so you can comment on it:

    "Officer Fiendly" -- really?

  2. Yeah - they make Cool-Aid with salt water ... and the cognitavely impared still drink it!


  3. Wow - what a new and different point of view. Guy solved all of our problems in one "original" essay.

    How does his theory hold up when a cop shoots and kills a naked, unarmed boy?


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