Monday, December 22, 2014

Sorry, No

The plan was to repeat the failed "Operation Wide Receiver" under Bush that had actual real tracking devices installed in the weapons, and was shut down when the bad guys discovered them and removed them. But obama and holder conspired to do the same WITHOUT tracking devices to lay the blame on the American gun owners as being a bunch of illegal gun runners to Mexico and use that as an excuse for more restrictive gun laws or outright registration and confiscation. That is why obama claimed EP to hide the truth that he ordered holder to run the gun running scheme. They are still hiding the truth and we may never get the "smoking gun" (pun intended) that would convict the both of them. [More]
I don't know where you're getting your information from, but much of it simply ain’t so. I have written many times about Wide Receiver and Mike Detty, the CI who was at the heart of the operation, which a search will bear out. Direct quotes from Mike: “While there were a couple times during Wide Receiver that tracking devices were placed on cars there was not a single weapon that was outfitted with any kind of tracking instrument.” [AND] “It had nothing to do with Bush or even DOJ...”

I wish I knew how this stuff got started, and why the truth is so hard to get out there -- no doubt because "legitimate news media" has no interest in using their megaphone to do so on certain topics.

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