Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yeah, Right, "Molon Labe!"

What's happening in Nevada WILL be spreading to the states. The group doing the fighting there has "a Twitter feed where the latest news and information will be posted for sharing." Despite that being shared, only 39 are currently even doing the bare minimum of following them to get that information.

The enemy likes it that way.

Which means even fewer are actually doing anything to help. So much for the vaunted power of "grassroots." No wonder some of our "leaders" feel compelled to compromise. It's not like the ones doing the loudest bitching ever raise a finger to help with the heavy lifting.

But hey, we can no doubt count on costless anonymous internet bravado to win that next civil war for us!  I can't think of a better way to guarantee one than doing nothing now to use the considerable resources still at our disposal.


  1. Richard J. Medicus12/10/2014 10:57 AM

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that it will be like stepping on a large mound of fire ants and not taking your foot away. Initially many ants will die, but the swarm has one hell of sting and can even be fatal.

  2. Don't be too discouraged yet. This organization has only existed for about a couple of months and have not done much of anything to promote themselves. I'm pretty active in the fight here & I only know about it because a friend asked if I had heard about it. I had to look it up on the Sec of State's website and then had a hard time finding out if it was legit or another blooming idiot shill org. The parent org has alienated a lot of gun owners with it's top down "NRA way or no way" management style. That hasn't & won't work in Nevada where the NRA has screwed us over in the legislature several times.


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