Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bracken books available for free download tomorrow and Thursday

“I'm going to put the Enemies Trilogy on a Kindle ‘free run’ on Wednesday, January 15th,” Bracken announced to followers on Facebook. “The next day I'll free run my other two books. Pass the word to avid readers who might be short of bucks currently." [More
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column reports on an offer we’ve seen before. If you haven’t taken advantage of it, now’s the time to do so. If you have, now’s the time to “pay it forward” and make it known to others.

Yeah, Well Good Luck with That

This act requires a parent or guardian to notify a school district, or the governing body of a private or charter school, that he or she owns a weapon within 30 days of enrolling the child in school or becoming the owner of a weapon. [More] 

Turnabout Being Fair Play 'n All...

What's her address, driver's license number and Social Security number? [More]

Because It's Never Enough

And it never will be. [More]

They want it all, they want it now and they want it delivered.

And if you oppose such "common sense gun safety laws," you're an extremist.

And no doubt a racist with a small penis who is responsible for Sandy Hook...

We're the Only Ones Acquitted Enough

“Where do we really find justice any more in our justice system?” the victim’s father, Ron Thomas, told reporters. “It has been proven right here today that they will get away with it. They will get away with it. [More
Believe it.  That's what a monopoly of violence is all about.

When selecting juries, the only ones who can make it through the elimination process are essentially the same ones who sign Mark Dice petitions.

Doh! A Deer. A Female Deer.

These people are dumber than Homer. [More]

And the ones who elect them are dumber still.

It figures many of the minds behind it feed at the academia trough.

[Via Michael G]

Stripped Down to the Basics

This is why banning good people from having guns in bars is another area we should never cede. [More]

I don't even mind if they drink. What I mind is if they endanger others and/or initiate violence, in which case, I insist on the ability to extricate me and mine from the situation.

Do you have guns and alcohol in your home?  I do.

If I wanted to, there is nothing to stop me from hitting up the Makers Mark while armed. Right now, as I type.

Except me.  If you don't like that, tough.

Everyone I know can be responsible in the presence of both.

[Via William T]

Welcome to Toon Town

The real cartoons are the ones drawing these. [More]

Can't you just feel the seething, childish and impotent hatred?

What did Kurt say about being despised by the despicable...?

Oh, and "guys"? We're not laughing with you.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Lone Survivor

Herschel and Daniel offer a tactical critique. [More]

I offer a visceral one.

When Nikes are Outlawed...

Hey, I don't get it. These had a "sporting purpose"... [More]

We're the Only Ones Escorting Enough

Now you try getting a concealed carry permit in West Hollywood if you have to walk the streets at night with no police security detail. [More]

Don'tcha just love rich "progressives" who have theirs...

Or can afford not to?

Friend of the Devil

As previously reported by TheBlaze, the “logistics coordinator” also argued in court that “Operation Fast and Furious” was part of the agreement to finance and arm the cartel in exchange for valuable information that would help the government take down its rival cartels. [More
The devil you know...

Nice company they keep.

Actually, the first person I ever heard make that argument and specifically name the Sinaloas was Robert Farago, in a phone call with him years ago. I didn't jump on that bandwagon since I had nothing besides speculation to go on, and agreed it sounded like good speculation, but I had no confirmation from any sources.  So if this turns out to be the case, as far as I know, he's the one who first called it.

Ghost Story

Where hideous shrieking and moaning is coming from lost and evil spirits... [More]

Stupid Squared

I just don't have 1:48 to spend on the absurd premise--I will say, right off the bat the supposed intelligent debate expert trips on it right out of the starting gate with his assumption that the Second Amendment being repealed would have any bearing on the right, followed up with the ridiculous notion that the Supreme Court has ruled it's a given right. [More]

I wonder what the fools arguing outlived usefulness would do if someone came into the studio and started shooting...

No I don't.

I'm up to 2:09.  I just can't listen any more. Everything the moron in the tan suit has said so far in his debate setup has been painful to listen to: It's like he set out to spout utter nonsense.

If you have the patience to continue, don't let me stop you.  Me, I'm outta there.

[Via Cliff J]

CCDL Litigation Updates

Connecticut Citizens Defense League shares the latest, including:
Meet The Plaintiffs
Don’t forget tonight (January 14th) lead attorney Brian Stapleton and all of the plaintiffs in Shew v Malloy will be at our regular monthly meeting.
If you're a Constitution State gun owner and you're not helping in the fight in some tangible way, you are letting others carry a load you're all under. If you can't afford money, you can afford manpower. If you can't provide manpower you can provide brainpower.  If you can't provide brainpower, you're siding with the antis anyway, so get lost.

This Day in History: January 14

I have received information that a lurking party of the Enemy is sent out to intercept the mail between Philadelphia & the North River, the place they are to lay in wait for the Post is said to be between Pluckimen & Morristown. [More]