Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Skirmish Won

For now. [More]

Stay vigilant. Stay informed. Stay active.

Woody: T-O-Y, Toy! *

Woody: The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present. [More]


One Answer... the obnoxious question "What has GOA accomplished?" typically posed by those promoting "leaders" who have hidden under their desks from this using the "single issue" excuse... [More]

And I'm glad to see "one pro-gun author" has reconsidered his opinion on this. He's a very smart guy and I'd hoped he'd come around.

College editorial calling ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws racist ignorant on all counts

But The Oracle piece is not really about "Stand Your Ground" anyway -- it's really about disparaging the ability and judgment of ordinary people to assess life-and-death situations and defend themselves. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column stands its ground against sophomoric opinions, which is pretty much all the antis have.

This Day in History: February 12

I take this opportunity to Acquaint you of my misfortune in being taken in the Wexford Privateer & sent into this Place. [More]