Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This Would Explain a Lot

Like Old Yellowstain Boehner... [More]

A Skirmish Won

For now. [More]

Stay vigilant. Stay informed. Stay active.

Woody: T-O-Y, Toy! *

Woody: The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present. [More]


One Answer... the obnoxious question "What has GOA accomplished?" typically posed by those promoting "leaders" who have hidden under their desks from this using the "single issue" excuse... [More]

And I'm glad to see "one pro-gun author" has reconsidered his opinion on this. He's a very smart guy and I'd hoped he'd come around.

What Eric Really Wants

More Democrats, of course... [More]

College editorial calling ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws racist ignorant on all counts

But The Oracle piece is not really about "Stand Your Ground" anyway -- it's really about disparaging the ability and judgment of ordinary people to assess life-and-death situations and defend themselves. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column stands its ground against sophomoric opinions, which is pretty much all the antis have.

This Day in History: February 12

I take this opportunity to Acquaint you of my misfortune in being taken in the Wexford Privateer & sent into this Place. [More]