Monday, March 10, 2014

‘Pro-gun Democrat’ once more places Obama administration over gun rights

In spite of that, one “A-rated” Democrat, Sen. John Tester of Montana, joined with confirmed anti-gunners Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin and others. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a politician playing both ends against the middle – and evidently getting away with it.

Armed American Radio Redux

Grassroots from CA with Gene Hoffman of CalGuns.  Mike Vanderboegh returns to AAR and talks CT gun control and the dangers associated with enforcement of the new law, Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation, David Codrea, George Hill, Seanto and more!

A Disconnect...

...between claims and reality... [More]

And to Anonymous at 10:07 AM: I was here.

Defying an engineered "compromise." And using my real name.

A Pre-Shtup Agreement

The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part... [More]

Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning...I was blind for three days!

How Very "Progressive"

Tax the other guy, not me. [More]

I need to cover the costs of my next flop.

We're the Only Ones Impatient Enough

CT Cop to Gun Owning Patriot: “I Cannot Wait to Get the Order to Kick Your Door In” [More] 
I suppose without recording it, he won't be able to reveal the name without being sued. It does drive home the message never talk to the cops, or if you must, refuse unless it is recorded.

[Via several of you] 

UPDATE: We have what looks like confirmation.  And more.

Questions Grow

Finally concerning California, I am reminding you that I still haven’t heard anything back from Smith & Wesson on whether they will continue to supply handguns that have not been microstamped to California LEOs while they don’t sell at all to California residents. [More]
And are these guys going to continue training the gun edict enforcers?

The Volokh Conspiracy

"… even if bans on magazines with more than 10 rounds are unwise, not all unwise restrictions are unconstitutional. That’s true for speech restrictions. It’s true for abortion restrictions. And I think it’s true for gun restrictions as well." [More]
That view doesn't surprise me.

It doesn't surprise me at all.

Meanwhile, Over at the Propaganda Ministry

This is all we need to know about those feeding at the Think Progress trough. [More]

Just like their counterparts at Media Matters.


Because they're frustrated, self-loathing cowards revenging themselves on others as a way of denying their own deficiencies? [More]

I mean, we already know they're sadists and psychopaths.  And some of them are even professionals at it.

On the positive side, those they attack can take comfort knowing the people harassing them are unloved and miserable.

I Didn't Mean It!

And I was misunderstood because I didn't have enough time. [Watch]

You believe that, don't you?

I mean, so what if I was quoting a guy who says NRA members are "the new KKK"?

It Could Never Happen Here

In Manhattan Beach, crimes in which victims suffer physical wounds are basically unheard of. [More]
Really?  How come I've heard of them, and I haven't lived there in over 10 years?

Heck, they even have bank robberies.

And while I know Manhattan Beach's unofficial spokeshoplophobe Russ Lesser would consider repelling these animals with a gun to be in "bad taste," there are those of us who view financially supporting companies like BodyGlove that are run by such anti-gun bigots to be bad economics, in a giving aid and comfort to the enemy kind of way...

Sharon Tate lived in a pretty safe neighborhood herself, until...


Any connection between this and this?

I don't want to start a rumor, but I do think it bears watching until we learn what the reason for the raid was.

UPDATE: Kurt has more.

This Day in History: March 10

The Baron de Steuben will inspect the Guards at Nine oClock on Wednesday next, and the Rhode Island Regiment at eleven o Clock on the same day. [More]