Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Race-tailored tactics used to disparage black gun rights advocates

Such accusations, routinely leveled at white gun owners, have been pretty much absent from that “national conversation on guns” the antis say they want to have. In their place are “progressives” hurling racist ridicule at gun rights advocates of color, but those attacks have mostly been for daring to depart from the official party loyalty line demanded by collectivist plantation overseers. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the motive may have been repackaged, but it's still enslavement.

Just So We're ...uh... Clear

If by "a bit unclear" Kurt means "Like an impenetrable block of lead that even Superman's X-ray vision can't penetrate," then, yeah. [More]

An Armed Deterrence Advocate

A right to self-defense? [More]

How about us American citizens?

And if we don't like U.S. federal government rules, are we also free to privately develop our own workaround to get to where we mean to go?

[Via Florida Guy]  

Maybe Bloomberg Will Replace the Lost Revenues

Several of you have sent me tips about Beretta moving from Maryland to Tennessee. [More]

Good for them. They ought to move their headquarters, too.

And these folks ought to step up and do their part to disassociate themselves from anti-gun states, unless they think training gun-confiscating stormtroopers to prevail is consistent with the reasons activist gun owners support them.

We're the Only Ones Discharging Enough

But he didn't touch anything. It just went off all by its own self. Honest. [More]

Huh. I wonder why they disabled comments over there.

[Via Florida Guy]  

Fear Factor

Workman points to some indications that it's been overstated. [More]

Gee, I wonder who would do a thing like that, and why...

Misleading Headline

This stool sample is not a "man." [More]

The parasite is continuing his armed robbery against his intended victims, only this time, the weapon he's using is the state.

We're the Only Ones Providing a Valuable Lesson Enough

Hey, we want to get home at the end of our shift, and those Los Zetas guys fight back. Boy Scouts, not so much. [More] come it's not in the public interest to tell us the names of these northern border Nazis? Why is no one filing criminal charges?

And nice excuse-making, Vonderheid, you tool. If you're an example of modern Scout "leadership," I'd pull my kid out.

[Via Florida Guy]  

Controlled Opposition

Token MSNBC "Republican" Joe Scarborough once more shows what an ignorant and elitist tool he is. [Watch]

The function he serves is to allow them to label anyone more "conservative" an extremist and no doubt a hater.

We're the Only Ones Unfavored Enough

Prosecutors also said that Silas called one of the officers who had responded to the scene and asked them to do him the "favor" of removing the evidence recovered from the victim's home. During a second phone call to the officer, Silas admitted he had been shooting bullets into the ground when one accidentally went through the victim's window, prosecutors said. [More]
Gosh, if this can happen to a highly-trained law enforcement professional, imagine how dangerous it would be to trust undisciplined amateurs like you and me with guns.

[Via Neil W]

Rules for the Commoners

"Assault weapons are a subclass of unreasonably dangerous firearms developed and adopted for their military effectiveness, with features appropriate for military and some law-enforcement purposes, but which are not commonly owned generally, or commonly used for self-defense," Fader and his colleagues wrote. [More]
Fader and his colleagues, of course, are goddam hive insect liars. Funny, how the "progressives" want it both ways, with the Miller opinion essentially saying "protected" guns had to have demonstrable military utility.

And thanks for that "in common use" anchor weight, "conservative/originalist/constructionist" Scalia. Not only does it drag us down, it effectively denies any new developments in arms to We the People.

Looks like some of us are just going to have to ignore the tyrants' edicts and do what we know is right.

Moms Demand Erasers

This totally figures. [More]

We've seen it before from her kind.

Nice to see the Democrat whose name describes his ambition returning to these pages.  These headcases provide all the contrast and fodder we need every time they do practically anything.

This Day in History: July 23

As a writer for a public journal, it is very important for my career to gain the esteem of prominent people, and your excellency's esteem is something that I would like to have. [More]