Tuesday, August 19, 2014

By Hook or By Crook

“During your State of the Union address, you stated that you want to make 2014 a ‘year of action,'  ” Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, wrote to Mr. Obama in March, in a letter requesting that he issue an executive order banning the import of assault or military weapons. [More]
Squeeze, baby, squeeze. Until our eyeballs bleed.

A Great Question

"Why?" indeed. [More]

That's in response to this.

And, as I've speculated, if you're a drug dealer who wants to get rid of the competition, or an Only One who doesn't want to bother obtaining a warrant...

[Via cydl]

"Progressive" Equivalency

Yeah, I remember all those Bunkerville rioters and looters. [More]

Oldie But Baddie

I just ran across this from March of last year. [More]

Guy sure uses a lot of words to steer everyone away from his personal deficiencies.

And yeah, "fair and accurate."  What is it we prove daily about "progressives"?

My Kind of Furniture

I think stuff like this is cool. [More]

It just made me think back to when we moved back to Ohio in 2007 and had to buy all new stuff, enough to fill a house. That's because the thousands of dollars in business could have gone to the local Value City, but for that "No Guns" sign they posted on their door.

Oligarchs for Financing Unchallengeable Kleptocracy

It's easy to join OFUKS. [More]

All you need to do is be from the "screw everybody else/protect what's mine" wing of the 1%. And if you're at the top of that pyramid, you're eligible to join Plutocrats for Indisputable State Supremacy.

Lickspittle Prozi manipulators in your employ will make sure the mob gets so misdirected they end up demanding to surrender their own claims to any true egalitarian power sharing arrangement.

That's why we call the hoi polloi rabble!

Facebook Policy Change

Not theirs, mine.

Going forward from today, I'm only going to post links on my page and on the GRE page, that is unless I write something for someone else, like GUNS Magazine, Shooter's Log or JPFO, and then I'll also post it on their page, or if I write about someone else, like yesterday's GRE on WAGC, and then I'll share it with that person or group.

I note people have put me in their groups, and I appreciate that, but I just don't have time to post links on all the pages where that's happened, plus I never felt comfortable "link whoring" anyway.  I figure if readers find personal value in a piece, they can pass the link along. If not, the marketplace of ideas will decide if I stay or if I go. It's no secret that page views help keep a roof over my head and that I never ask for donations for myself.

Whether you're on social media or not, if you like my stuff and want it to gain wider notice, and think I deserve to eat once in a while, your help at spreading the word/passing along links will be appreciated.

Escalation of Trauma

So it's only private preppers who are bad?

Hey, what good's a monopoly of violence if you can't go all the way?

The Company MAIG Keeps

Remember this sterling example?

You should see him when he's sober.

Characters like Gordo bring to mind the Edwin Edwards quote:
The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.

In some places, that wouldn't affect voter preference, and may even provide a boost.

Be Careful What You Comment On

Our good friends the hive insects have another rant, one where they think they've got us, but of course, are merely once more demonstrating that tendency from which kapos arise. [More]

Notice how all the comments are fawning and in full approval. Funny thing, the links embedded in each name seem to produce a "Page won't load" message, a free website ad, or route me to my own Facebook page. You might want to see if you get similar results.

You might also want to see if they allow non-fluffing comments to make it through. As one of the fields on the submission form is for a website url, it would be funny if we could basically exploit them to direct traffic to pro-RKBA websites, kind of like using them for free ads.

We briefly touched on what CSGV is ranting about last week, linking to an Oregon Firearms Federation alert.  It probably won't be today, but maybe I can find time tomorrow to get into more details, assuming Kurt doesn't smack them around first.  He's pretty good at that, and I'd hate to spoil his fun.

In the mean time, I noticed a sidebar click-through on the CSGV page that's pretty telling, and not just because Wall of Separation Prozis are invoking the name of God. First of all, it presents a miracle as the only intervention option, and second, what do you do if you're in both a "gun-free zone" and one of those "God-free zones," like a public school...?

Follow it through to the story they're  highlighting, and what we notice is the stopping power of a restraining order, both at protecting the target and at defanging the predator. Seems like there's a maxim in there somewhere.

That in turn beings us back to a question CSGV will never answer:
Yes or no: Would you rather see a woman brutalized and killed than armed with a gun for self-defense?
Try it and see if you can get them to just answer the damn question, instead of deflecting, avoiding, and insulting.

I wish they'd prove me wrong, as the woman in their example was in a public setting, and would have needed to be carrying outside the home.

This Day in History: August 19

On August 19, 1782, nearly seventy Kentuckians died in what some historians have called the “Last Battle of the American Revolution." [More]