Friday, August 22, 2014

Announced takeover of Jewish gun group provokes controversy

The inescapable conclusion is, had gun owners stepped up and supported a group struggling after the passing of its founder, its rescue would have been unneeded. [More]
I got SAF's Alan Gottlieb to comment on the pending JPFO acquisition. I've seen the emotions this one has raised, so did my best to keep this a straight news story with links that people can follow to help decide for themselves.

Armed black demonstrators display egalitarian diversity of right to arms

Honest liberty advocates laud natural and civil rights being exercised, not crimes being committed that take advantage of the trust that must come with freedom. If rights are abused, we condemn the individual abusers, not the right. And skin color has nothing to do with any of that – unless you're a "progressive" and want to have something to cynically exploit. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes the folks accused of intolerance are actually the ones being inclusive -- and the ones doing the accusing are actually the narrow-minded bigots. Funny how that works.

What's in a Name?

Now that she's passed her lower-level ideological purity tests, Proziette Alison Thoet has a great future in "Authorized Journalism." [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Oversight Committee responds to court-ordered Fast and Furious log release

“What they are counting on is that they can delay the truth coming out until long after they've left office -- or longer,” the source explained, offering a cynical outlook on what those interested in meaningful and timely results can expect. “The court order does not scare such people who are very skilled and exceedingly well-practiced in the cover-up of lies and misdeeds. People looking at this as a potential Shakespearean tragedy where the villain gets his in the end will find that it is merely cheap Kabuki theater.” [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes being a step closer is meaningless on a treadmill.

Huge and Troubling JPFO News

Claire Wolfe has resigned over a proposed takeover by SAF. [More]

I've been part of some behind-the-scenes conversations with her and others on this.

For now, I'm simply going to link you over to her piece and suppress my own comments. My columns will continue until I'm told they are no longer wanted or I until have personal reasons compelling me not to go on. I do not foresee, nor would I tolerate, having my writing directed.

My goal is for the group to continue true to Aaron Zelman's vision for its purpose. I will presume that to also be the goal of anyone coming in until I see it proven differently.

This saddens me, and I do understand time has run out to say something before it's a done deal. Claire is an amazing talent and intellect, and JPFO has been a unique, no-compromise effort that is desperately needed. I want to see us all emerge unified and stronger. 

I will say this much: Anyone who opposes the merger but will not personally help with needed operating funds wants something from others for nothing.

A Wake-Up Call?

I dunno -- if most of those people were capable of being alert, this wouldn't even be an issue. [More]

Peeling Off the Mask

The Los Angeles Times has put aside the pretense that it is an objective newspaper. They just hired a major Democrat donor, with NO media experience as the publisher. Prior to this he was an advisor to Mayor Villaraigosa. The Times is to become the MSNBC of the newspaper business. [More]
Not that we didn't know these wretched propagandists to be Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists all along.

I'm told the attacks on the Second Amendment will become even more fraudulent, frequent and hysterical, if that's possible.

It's what Prozis do.

Actions Have Consequences

Unfortunately, the wrong employees are being terminated. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]  

We're the Only Ones Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Enough

Oklahoma City policeman arrested for raping women while on patrol [More]
So does anyone in law enforcement argue victims would not have a right to use deadly force to defend themselves in these situations?

Besides those who say just give them what they want...?

Had a woman decided to fight, what kind of additional hell do you think she'd have been forced to go through? Assuming she survived...

[Via William T]

The Selective Empath

That's a polite way of calling him a racist. [More]

Oh, but he can't be racist, because he's disenfranchised and has no power.

The Heartbreak of CFS

Fool can't figure out why they keep failing? [More]

Yeah, I know this is from 2012, but it does help illustrate Chronic Fudd Syndrome.

When Prozis Collide

Which Bolshevik would you  want "in charge" of your children's education? [More]

Meanwhile, Over in Big Sky Country

Meet Amanda Curtis. She’s a gun control-supporting vlogger. She’s also the Democratic Senate nominee in Montana. [More]
Thing is, I know of "progressives" from places like the Chicago area and urban California who have moved there, and guess what they bring with them.

And it doesn't help when gun owners are defrauded by people they should be able to trust.

We're the Only Ones Lobbying Enough

Fighting for the standing army since people stopped caring... [More]

I'm sure someone could come up with a better logo...

Time to Ban Assault Hoovers

Welcome to Europe in the Dark Ages, living in filth. Now that's "leaning forward." [More]

In typical Opposite Day fashion, all they've proven is "progressives" suck even more. Let them, and they'll suck up everything in sight.

Since she obviously knows better than the industry, I'd like to video Diana Moon Glampers Marlene Holzner trying to change a bag or belt. Jurassic Park!

A South Carolina teen's writing assignment ended in an arrest after he says he made a reference to using a gun to kill a dinosaur. [More]
Well, in fairness, they do say he was being disruptive, and what have we said about challenging the masters' proxies?

I wonder how much Prozi sphincter-tightening it would cause if this discussion could be resurrected in online teen social media communities...

[Via several of you]

This Day in History: August 22

As this is the second instance in which Genl Birch has contravened my Intentions in grantg Flaggs to come from the Enemys Lines by other Routes than that of Dobb’s Ferry—you will be pleased to write to that Gentleman on the Subject & inform him, that if any other Flags are granted by any other Way than that of the Established post of Dobb’s Ferry, they will be positively detained as prisoners. [More]