Thursday, September 04, 2014

Second Amendment Foundation acquires Jewish gun group

How the gun owner community will react to the merger remains to be seen. At this writing, it does not appear those opposed to the acquisition are doing anything other than expressing strengthened resolve, while those intent on helping JPFO through the transition remain hopeful. Based on interest expressed in limited venues where the development is being discussed, it appears many are either unaware or else unconcerned. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes what looks like a done deal is really only the beginning of what looks to be a prolonged test period.

Restrained Moms Demand Action

Too funny.  [More]

And she posted selfies while under a firearms restriction order?

Fiend Friendly

Since Carolina Ale House appears from their reply to equate "unarmed and helpless" with "family friendly", we have three choices... [More]
I know what mine would be.

We're the Only Ones Vested Enough

Sorry but like many have already said, you should know the laws of the states you travel through. Even as a sheriff’s officer when I go to another state on personal business I call ahead to the town I am going to and ask if there are any laws I need to know about, or if I should just leave my gun home. Pennsylvanians aren’t very smart to begin with, so I am not surprised by this story. I don’t think she should do time in jail, but a nice heavy fine would work. What the hell do you need hollow points for in the first place? You planning on shooting a cop through a vest? [More]
It's hard for me to believe this person is for real, for several reasons I'm sure most WoG regulars will pick up on.  If you wish to respond, it will do more good and reach more eyes leaving your comment there instead of here.

It's Official

The JPFO merger into SAF...  [More]

Claire and Bear are not optimistic.

Me, I submitted another alert article this morning that should be up tomorrow evening.  Like I've said from the start, if I can do my thing without undue pressure, my intention is to try to help JPFO continue.  If it turns out it's not JPFO, but a different creature wearing its skin, I'll revisit my decision as warranted.

We're the Only Ones Shocking Enough

What's the big deal? It's only a bunch of cells and tissue. [More]

[Via Mack H]

Ha Ha. Good One, Judge!

“Are you available that day?” Bryant jokingly asked the lawyer. [More]
I can see any number of hilarious outcomes.

I'd laugh like hell if any of them exploded in this subversive robed @$$hole's face. Unfortunately, they're more likely to explode in someone else's, and he'll continue on as one of the favored elites.

[Via Florida Guy]

Speaking of Foot-Shooting

So, Brandy, you gleeful little daily beastette, is there some reason you left out any reference to Lee Paige? [More]

Funny, no mention of it in comments, either.

[Via Michael G]

Elections Matter

Wayne said it, I believe it, that settles it. [More]

Just one thing...

In the Valley of the Jolly, Ho-Ho-Ho...

I don't think I'd be inclined to let a "Gentle Giant" do this to me, either. [More]

UPDATE: A comment indicates those with an inclination not to expect others are lying have been had.

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Setting the Standard Enough

Our law in Massachusetts is unique. We are, for example, the only state that both closes the intractable secondary gun sales loophole and gives law enforcement officials discretion over allowing rifle and shotgun ownership. [More]
OK.  We tried to get you  to listen to reason.  You're bent on pushing.

Too bad. It didn't have to be this way.

This will not be the "national model" until you kill those of us who will defy and resist.

I'm thinking that won't be so easy.

[Via Bluesgal]

Trusted without a Custodian

Hey, the beheaded cat gives me an idea: Maybe he can pull an OJ and convert to Islam. [More]

When, oh when will society become "progressive" enough to put the blame where it belongs?  On white rage...

[Via bondmen]

There's an App for That

This could be useful when making travel plans. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

A Memorandum of Understanding

What could be more "progressive"? [More]

Funny. We were just talking about how important a deeper understanding is.


What I don't understand is why only a handful are spreading the alarm over the "gun control" connection,


In re Teacher’s arrest over future school shooting novel suggests antigun hysteria:

The Los Angeles Times is reporting it was mental health issues, not the books, that prompted the teacher to be "taken in for mental health evaluation." The report also differentiates between being "arrested" and being taken away by armed law enforcement.  What authorities would have done had he declined to accompany them is unstated.


You know, NRA A-Rated Politicians for Gun Control. [More]

Perhaps an easier-to-handle acronym would be PGD (Pro-Gun Democrat).

Find one who won't betray you when the time is right.

Not that most Republicans are all that reliable.

Far be it from me to suggest a different way to approach things, after being so roundly put in my place.

A Deeper Understanding

Yesterday's GRE premise: Ignoring illegal alien threat advances ‘gun control’ agenda.

Twitter reply: "I say the opposite since more people now understand the need for self defense."

If that opposite holds true for the premise, it holds true for its supporting arguments.  Q.E.D. Therefore, it's good that we financially support and vote for those who enable unchecked illegal immigration. It's good that the administration will bring them in as new voters.  It's good that violent crime and security threats will increase.

And most of all, it must be good that aside from a few of the weaker voices warning about it, and comparatively failing at getting their message out, all the major "pro-gun" players with real mass influence are either silent, avoiding the issue, or directly complicit in enabling it.

So why oppose any "gun control" or any pro-illegal aliens/anti-gun candidate or anti-gun policy? After all, think how much more deep and widespread the understanding of the people of the need for self defense will be.

Without seeing such logic fleshed out, I'd conclude there were no more understanding people than the inmates at Dachau. What good did their superior insights do them?

And Remember, with "Progressives"...

A well regulated Standing Army, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the federal government to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. [More]

Yep. Opposite Day, all right...

Nothing quite says freedom like sending hither swarms of Officers...

This Day in History: September 4

I take the Liberty to mention this Circumstance to you—& beg when Permission is given to any prisoners of War to go into N. York, that their passports may be signed by yourself—and the going in of Horses may be particularly attended to by you, & not permitted but in very extraordinary Cases. [More]