Monday, October 13, 2014

Gun owners following Dick Morris ignore issues of principle and trust

“The public overwhelmingly supports a significant expansion in the FBI’s ability to investigate militia groups,” the polls-over-principles Morris wrote at the time to then-Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, as well as then-Deputy Chiefs of Staff Erskine Bowles and Harold Ickes. “If you and the Justice Department believe such an expansion would be in the public interest, I would recommend that we go ahead with it with a high profile announcement. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes a guy who's betrayed no shortage of people who have given him their trust and wonders why anyone would give it to him now -- especially principled conservatives.

How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

Roland, wassup?

I thought after acting like a third-grader by hurling parting insults and running away from people you called "cowards," you were calling it quits...?

So how come you still keep including me on your Twitter replies?
Thing is, I'm beginning to understand why he finds it so important to confirm a "progressive" surgeon general without further delay. Joycelyn Elders was no doubt instrumental in helping a developing Roland come to grips with his destiny.

The Incredible Shrinking Network

I know how they could improve their ratings. [More]

But no, that would require something they're incapable of.

The Age of Consent

I'd be OK with my kid signing a contract promising he wouldn't kill himself if the hive insect requiring it would sign one promising he or she would. [More]


Good grief.


[Via Florida Guy]   

Meanwhile, Over in the Constitution-Free Zone

If you're a gun owner, Prozis hate you and will demonstrate how much every chance they get.  [Watch]

There are no accommodations you can make with these people.

Why would you want to?

[Via William T]

Pick Your Poison

JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: I believe that Americans should be deeply skeptical of government power. You cannot trust people in power. The founders knew that. That's why they divided power among three branches, to set interest against interest. [More]
Yeah, right, come off like you're one of us and then lead us to three doors that each come wired with booby-traps. There's another alternative he conveniently doesn't mention, the ultimate check and balance that guarantees true power sharing when the other three collude to rule...

Sorry, but I look at this establishment enforcer posing as a civil libertarian with no small amount of skepticism, especially noting he's sharing his keep government bound in chains gospel with one of the favored RMVP (look it up) elites.

Sorry, Jimbo. Why don't you back that turnip truck up so we can climb back on and fall off properly this time?

Hack Attack or Na?

This message has popped up several times today.  I've seen it before.
[Click to enlarge]

Naturally, I immediately changed my password.

The question becomes, is this simply a technical glitch with Blogger, or is malevolent intent at work? If it is, is it random criminal malevolent intent or is it agenda-driven beyond that?

Ah... it may be no big deal, although clearing cookies can result in a pain the neck with some bookmarked sites. That said, I'm creating this public record just in case it is a big deal, and if someone is doing something rotten under what others may assume is my identity.

Prozi Grassroots in Action

That's pretty pathetic, especially considering how hard they've been pushing for this wealth and power grab.

About a dozen environmentalcase loons marched past my house last week on a protest that no one paid attention to.

Maybe if they'd picked something doable, like stopping plate tectonics...

How to Be Free?

The "farm" comparison is absolutely insightful and right on, and deserves wider recognition. [Watch]

That said, just realizing you're in a cage doesn't make you free. If it did, I'd take a stroll through Central Park with an unregistered M16 and not encounter a problem in the world. How you "get there from here" remains hypothetical and untested against real world force intent on stamping out anything that might pose a threat to the ruling order.

I've had people in the past offer very smug dismissals of my efforts, telling me instead how easy it is to be free if I'd just embrace a different paradigm, be it returning to the Articles of Confederation, establishing a private contractual society (and I think the most promise for the next step lies there, but it needs to be done right), or, taking a different tack, insisting that we can defang admiralty courts that use gold-fringed flags if we only know the right incantations.

Isaac Newton noted if he had seen farther than others, it is because he stood on the shoulders of giants. Technology develops and advances under freedom. If freedom technology -- and we ought to think of  liberty safeguards in those terms -- is ever to advance beyond what the Founders envisioned, it will have a better chance of blossoming and growing if it starts from a plateau of relative freedom  -- one that offers more opportunities for experimentation and validation than more primitive, and thus oppressive, forms of "government."

You can't invent a car until someone invents a wagon. You can't invent a wagon unless someone invents a wheel.  

Waste Not, Want Not

Vanderboegh looks at the Rahm Emanuel connection between a Clinton-era scheme to register militias, as the architect of a gun ban, and later, with gunwalking. [More]

I hope no one is surprised that it wasn't out of a deep and abiding respect for civil liberties, but rather, one of keeping culpability from being exposed that induced Team Tyranny to drop the first plot.  My intent is to explore this from a different angle later today, focusing on the creepy little pervert who didn't want to.

We Are the Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

Oregon Firearms Federation notes some comprehensive information gathering on all the wrong people.

For those who desperately want to know who has guns: Assume we all do. And behave yourself accordingly.

This Day in History: October 13

I have only to observe that unless some very decisive measures are adopted, the Lives & the Property of the Good Inhabitants in the Vicinity of these Lines cannot be protected. [More]