Monday, October 20, 2014

Democrat race-hustling to abet public endangerment what’s really 'unspeakable'

How is it the fault of the Republicans what Jenkins looked like, and what his race was? Are we supposed to impose censorship, like Comedy Central did with Mohammed on “South Park," simply because he’s black? Is that, in itself, not racist? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes, true to their Opposite Day natures, the real racists and haters are "progressives" who level the charge against others.

Lux et Veritas

Will McGrew ’18, a member of the Yale College Democrats, said even if he was aware of the event, he would not have attended. 

“Even though I support the Second Amendment, I don’t want any involvement with an organization that opposes background checks and restrictions on military-style weapons,” he said. [More]
This is what passes for the pinnacle of education in this country?

Last Night on Armed American Radio

Guest lineup includes, Alan Gottlieb, Catherine Mortensen from the NRA, AAR’s Washington, DC editor Neil McCabe, running for LA senate seat against Mary Landrieu Col. Rob Maness, George Hill with a firearm review, and David Codrea.

Strict Scrutiny

I don't get why gun owners in Alabama would oppose it. [More]

Posthumous Award

Some will no doubt object to this. [More]

All I can say is, I was invited to an evening working meeting/closed-door advisory session supplemental to the GRPC, and heard no evidence that there were plans to bastardize the mission, and plenty of plans to make the organization viable without involving compromises.

Let the Games Begin

The antis are really piling it on. [More]

I wonder how many Washington gun owners have actually gotten involved in a more meaningful way than posting "Molon Labe!" comments on forums and blogs.

If They Played it Like This...

...and got rid of their stupid TSA-type BS, I might start going to ballgames again. [Watch]

Not really. I have no use or time for "spectator sports."

But it sure beats that headcase commie pig Roseanne.

[Via Geordan]

Farragut Parks Ban

Liston Matthews issues a call to action. [More]

The Busybody Neighbor

Looks like Gladys Kravitz is alive and well. [More]

And it looks like the rights-hater is a tax-feeder.

Looks like the library doesn't want to be bothered.  I wonder if the cached page works.

Alternatively, it looks like Minnesota allows open carry if you have a permit.  I wonder if she really wants to invite a counter-demonstration on the public sidewalk in front of that sign. It's not like the news didn't just tell everybody, including those who may be inclined to exploit a gun-free home, exactly where they can find it.

UPDATE: The cached page does work for sending messages to the library.

[Via Michael B]

The Ebola Czar

How come they never call them führers? [More]

If anyone deserves the title...

We're the Only Ones Stopping Enough

A woman has won a civil lawsuit against the city of East Cleveland and some police officers over a 2012 incident that left her car shot up by police gunfire during a traffic stop. [More]
Good thing for her they were aiming at her!

[Via Sweet Baboo]

We're the Only Ones Up the Down Staircase Enough

Chicago Police Officer charged with DUI, driving wrong way on I-57 [More]
I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me.

[Via Sweet Baboo]

Blood and Lead

The more intellectually prepared we are for what's coming, the better we can meet the challenge in a way that will not shame us in the eyes of our ancestors who fought and died to build and maintain this republic. [More]
Vanderboegh extrapolates on Ferguson.