Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Harassing to Death

The Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club in Washington state has been targeted for nearly 20 years now by left-wing activists in government. [More]
The one who deserves to be harassed is this piece of oath-breaking prosecutorial drek.

[Via Charles E]

But Shannon Says This Never Happens

Who ya gonna believe, her or your lying eyes? [More]

[Link via Mack H]

Going Full B. Todd

ATF’s classification of the plaintiff’s device as a silencer within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(24) is correct, reasonable, in accordance with the law, considered all relevant data and thus was not arbitrary and capricious. [More]
ATF's "Answer to Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint Sig Sauer v ATF": Of course it's not, of course it didn't and of course it was...

[Via everrest]

A Personal Failure

Eric Holder: ‘I take personally as a failure’ the inability to pass gun control [More]
And I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling rip crews.

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.

Who Needs a Gun at Kroger?

Funny, how the idiot MILMs finally shut their yaps for once... [More]

Justice You Can Believe In

That is, if you believe they're a bunch of lying subversives... [More]

I wouldn't put it past these official terrorists to have arranged for the torching in the first place, either through administration policies that admit and then seed foreign enemies in our midst, or directly, as domestic enemies.

[Via Jeff Knox]

A Sign of the Times

Former councilwoman Margot Blacker acknowledged in a telephone interview with Examiner that she removed a “Yes on 591” sign... [More]
It's not enough that they have billionaires piling on. They mean to control all, and stifle any dissent.

How very "progressive."

We're the Only Ones Anonymous Enough

Oakley has 290 residents. They also have over 100 police, for some reason. Those police are also, more or less entirely anonymous. [More]
At first, I was thinking this is some kind of small-town proto-police state going on.  Reading more about it, including that the volunteer force is comprised of vetted ccw holders who train several times a year, I'm starting to wonder if what we have here may be a well regulated militia, and the powers that be don't like it one bit.

This one bears watching and learning more about.

[Via Rick N]

Revenge of the Creature

I dunno. Something about a mother****** morphing into a pseudo-mom kind of loses its shock and awe value... [More]

Still, Colorado gun owners: You're all intensely involved, right?

[Via cydl]

Let the Games Begin

Sorry, Herr Marx, looks like your ideological heirs have found the lumpenproletariat to be useful after all. [More]

[Via bondmen]

A Burial Among the Tombstones

Looks like that's all she wrote and it didn't even recoup production costs.

Gee, that's too bad.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

How could this have anything to do with that "single issue"? [More]

Besides, if there were any danger, our fearless leaders would be all over it, right?

Sore Losers

Losers Of Beer Pong Match Opened Fire On Fellow Texas Partygoers [More]
Oh, look, we've seen young Decoris before.

If only they would disarm you and me...

No One Wants to Take Your Guns Away

Well, that. not quite true. Lyla Cicero, who "has a doctorate in clinical psychology, and focuses on relationships, sexual minorities, and sex therapy [and who is] a feminist, LGBTQIAPK-affirmative, [and] sex-positive blogger [who] writes about expanding cultural notions of identity, especially those surrounding gender, sexual orientation, motherhood, and sexuality," does. [More]

By the way, I get the first four letter, but as for the rest, I'm drawing a blank. Something to do with power tools and animals, no doubt, but it does raise a question: If we can trick Lyla into saying it backwards, does she disappear and get banished back to the Fifth Dimension for 90 days?

Imams Demand Action

And these gals give plenty of it! [More]

All you gun-grabbers who say an assailant will simply take a woman's gun away and use it against her: Here's your chance!Go for it!

Come on, don't be shy. Who wants to go first?

Presuming to Teach...

...but not even qualified to be in the class... [More]

Also from Oregon Firearms Federation: "Corvallis Loaded Carry Ban To Be Considered Again."

If you're from Oregon, you're helping, right? In addition to posting "Molon Labe" comments...?

Meanwhile, Over at the War on Women...

Why was an impressionable and foolish young intern's life practically destroyed, while an empowered older predators' was not? [More]

Not that I feel too sorry for a fool who still doesn't get it. But much more importantly, why was a proven perjurer not cast out and forever disgraced?

And regardless of lying protestations that it was only about sex, designed to derail the real crime from being viewed in proper context, Bill Clinton's perjury denied another woman her fair day in court, to where she felt compelled to settle from a disadvantaged position. I have no idea if Paula Jones was an innocent victim or not. All I know is, court is supposed to be the place where the truth comes out. And if one of us had lied under oath, we'd have spent time in a cage.

Why is Hillary Clinton, who abetted her husband's crimes to retain power über alles, considered a viable candidate for being trusted with it again?

"Progressives." Those who manipulate the useful idiots are the enemies of all that is decent and true.

All May Not Be as It Appears

Prince Law notes an uproar concerning fugitive Eric Frein, and what are evidently execute on sight orders.  It appears there may be some story essentials we have not been told. [More]

Another great danger is the attitude of someone like comment poster "Joe."  If you're stupid enough to think "it could never happen here," look no further -- this is what enables the police state. Without consent and support, those inclined to employ the iron fist are just psychotics in spiffy uniforms.