Monday, November 10, 2014

Obamacare economist reveals ‘progressive’ contempt for duped supporters

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber admitted in a televised panel discussion. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes being used is nothing to be militantly proud about.

On the QT

Because if people notice, they might point out to the manufacturers just who the hell their customers are. [More]

If I were a gun manufacturer, I'd tell them they're trespassing and if they didn't leave my property, I'd call the police and have them arrested.

Why do people give these fraudulent hive insects the time of day?

What are they gonna do? Boycott?

Last Night on Armed American Radio

From host Mark Walters:
Rob Pincus, Neil McCabe, Lee Williams, Alan Gottlieb and David Codrea analyze what actually happened to America on election night 2014!

We're the Only Ones Selective Enough

Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize [More]
Does this Lamborghini make our @$$ look big...?

[Via Florida Guy]   


The chess board has been set up. Malloy has the first-move advantage, but he may not fully understand his opponents' strategy options. [More]

That is, noting the first comment (which I have a tough time arguing with), if they are even engaged enough to field a savvy player.

Understatement of the Year

Survey suggests Seattle anti-gunners out of touch with American majority [More]
One more proof that Dave Workman is a much nicer person than I will ever be...

From the Jaws of Victory

Currently, conservatives say congressional Republican leadership is considering breaking the promise Priebus made before the election. [More]
The only thing keeping that from happening is they're every bit as personally gutless as they are fraudulent.  Which means they need to hear from you about consequences.

If they don't back you out of principle, make them back you out of craven survival instinct.

In This Corner...

That's almost as convincing of his prowess as the shotgun photo.

The Most Transparent Administration in History

And what we lack in volunteering, we more than make up for in non-incentivized sloppiness and corruption! [More]

[Via Geordan]

I'm Back on Suffragette City

Ohhh, Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am! [More]

How very "progressive."

We demand equal rights, with some sows being more equal than others.

And when it comes to accountability and responsibility, why we poor, frail little dears need special considerations.

Opposite Day, anyone?

See, "equality" means never having to say you're sorry -- unless you're an evil  white male, of course.

Like me.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Slap-Happy Enough

Glans. [More]

What an appropriate name.

Note the lame excuse.

These cowardly cover-uppers have all the evidence they need. This isn't a civil matter between private parties.  Criminals are prosecuted by the state on "behalf" of "all," as in "People vs."...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Important Alert for Oregon Gun Owners

You need to get involved, personally, and you need to get involved now. [More]

Meanwhile, Over in the Halls of Higher Learning

Their own storied proclivities with goats and boys notwithstanding, I'm sure fighters for the Islamic State would embrace such privileged intellectuals. [More]

It's wonderful that so many of our leadership elites in government and business spend their ideological formative years in such a tolerant and "progressive" academic environment, don't you think? These certainly are the people I want shaping the rules the rest of us, who have not attained such enlightenment, need to live under for our own good.

A Confluence of Anniversaries

Massad Ayoob notes three significant dates to commemorate, all important to liberty, two as reminders of what it takes to defend it, and one as a warning of what happens when you can't. [More]

"A Botched Effort to Track Firearms"?

Anyone who still spreads that lie can kiss my @$$. [More]

Note those who do never provide documented examples of actual tracking efforts. Instead,m we're expected to believe in Underpants Gnomes.

[Via Florida Guy]   

This Day in History: November 10

We have recd. no intelligence from Europe since my last. I have inclosed to the Govr. a copy of a late letter from Carlton which breathes a much less conciliating spirit than his preceding correspondence. No steps have been taken by Congress as to the Cessions since the acceptance of that of N. York. Asgill is directed to be set at liberty, without any special reason being assigned for it, and Gl Washington instructed to call upon Gl Carlton to fulfil his promise to pursue the guilty. [More]