Wireless ‘gun-free zone’ scientists prove intelligence no measure of common sense

The only two drawbacks I can see are getting the police unions to go along with this (you’ll recall so-called “smart guns” were initially developed due to cops being disarmed in “takeaway” incidents, but they made sure they were exempted from laws requiring “personalized” firearms), and then deciding who gets to control the On/Off switch. 
Governments, right? [More]
My latest JPFO Alert looks at an idea that's dumb and dumber.

Yeah, Right. For the Police.

I'm sure I've never heard that one before, so if you back that turnip truck up, I'll climb back on and fall off proper this time. [More]

[Via Jess]

Stop the Threat: What's in YOUR Safe?

From ATSNtv:
Finding a place to keep your valuables at home is challenging. Having a safe, and keeping the location a secret is even more difficult than it may seem. To a burglar who has been there before, there are no secrets.

Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.

On the Pursuit Channel

Prime Time Every Friday!
6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern

Who Will Help Me Bake the Bread?

"Not I," barked the lazy dog.

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat.

"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck.

"Not I," bloviated the GINO (Gun activist In Name Only, who makes SSI a regular stop but never lifts a finger, aside from posting an occasional opinion in "comments"). "But Molon Labia!" [More]

Any bets those who answered Mike's plea, out of the thousands of "regular" Irregulars, can be counted on one hand? And they'll be the same few who send him an occasional voluntary subscription payment?

Bloomberg 'background check' expansion to Nevada part of warned-against plan

Significantly, the KTNV "legitimate news media / real reporter" story mentioned none of this. I guess letting Nevadans know outside special interests are trying to buy an election isn't newsworthy and/or doesn't help advance the agenda. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the story behind the story that the media is ignoring, once more illustrating through a real "case study" why it is critical for gun rights advocates to be force multipliers and share information the establishment will not.

Quaker Statist

One can’t help wondering if the zeal for weaponry has been fueled by the same dismal racism that has propelled so many social ills. [More]
Sure they can, if they're not a ridiculous lying Prozi gundupe.

This exchange in comments tells you all you need to know:


I left out the middle part, where willingly ignorant comment bigots agreed with the lie, and the part after, where the truth was never acknowledged and the argument was changed to put responsibility for calls to repeal on "the NRA cult."

There's no reasoning with these hive insects. Just understand what they want is exactly what they ridicule us for recognizing -- their own evil intentions.

The hell with them.

Lone Star Legislation

Introduced by newly re-elected Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington), House Bill 176 (HB176) declares all federal restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms to be "invalid" and "not enforceable" within the state of Texas. [More]
Doesn't look like he has any co-sponsors yet, but the "text" tab is active if you want to read the bill.

We know how the feds responded to Firearms Freedom Acts in Tennessee and Montana, and we also know who doesn't want to get involved (and how). I've actually been remiss in following up on more recent developments, so if you're interested, you can keep up with developments here.

I've been asked what I think.

If a critical mass of gun owners were serious about defending their right to keep and bear arms, we'd be invincible and wouldn't need to dick around with political half measures.

[Via Michael B]

It's Inevitable

Registration leads to confiscation. [More]

And what leads to registration?

I'm going to let Gomer sit this one out. He's already made one appearance today.

A First in Oregon

Oregon’s first anti-gun ballot measure has been filed. [More]
You tell 'em, Ifeanyichukwu.

Because nothing says safety and freedom like emulating Nigeria!

Running the Asylum

So total control doesn't equate with superior safety for the defenseless?  [More]

There's a microcosm in here somewhere...

Gomer? You're on.

[Via Michael G]

A Fair Trial

The reason for this is that the guidelines, like the mandatory minimums, provide prosecutors with weapons to bludgeon defendants into effectively coerced plea bargains. [More]
Between that and economic Wacos and career-obsessed "team player" prosecutors, and "progressive" judges and ignorant juries...

[Via Chris C]


Why over one but not the other? [More]

Who knows?

But I suspect it won't end well.

Smell the Blood in the Water

This Democrat Is Giving Up on ObamaCare [More]
Starting next week, I hope to examine why the time is ripe for repeal from a gun perspective I've been laying a foundation for and will be building on. Thing is, we're going to need the guys who told us they'd fixed everything to admit the dangers that still exist and then apply pressure for a corrective vote.

Maybe smelling blood in the water will excite them with the possibility of a huge victory to claim.  Or not.

Let Commie Sense Prevail

If you can’t get a gun, You can’t use a gun. [More]
Thanks for admitting the end game.

And no, you don't need to trade freedom for security.  One day, that big lie will be exposed, and the superior security of true freedom will be evident to all who conduct themselves in a manner consistent with it -- and especially to all who won't.

And who cares what a delegation of foreign collectivists think about the right to keep and bear arms?  Besides Prozi subversives and the gundupes who empower them?

I think I'll take advantage of the two-edged Alinsky Rule 5 and start using "commie sense gun control."  Those leanings are "hinted at," Representative-Elect Burton, because that is what you promote. If there's a more weasel-worded, fork-tongued example of doublethink than your "Passion for rugged individualism; but valuing collective responsibility" slogan, I've yet to hear it outside of the Ministry of Truth.

[Via Paul B]

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "IS" is.

Three uses of the term "Islamic State" and 55 calling them "IS"... [More]

Keep this up and I'll start to think "AP" stands for "Apologist Propaganda."

Oh wait: I already do.

Behind Enemy Lines

He's made it through the gates of Mordor. [More]

Don't they have any decent places to eat there?

UPDATE (11:41 a.m.): I just got off the phone with him. They're driving past Newtown. I advised him that CT is an all-party consent state in terms of recording, so if they get stopped by the cops, advise them the machine is on and they shouldn't say anything unless they consent to be recorded...:-)

UPDATE: (8:10 p.m.): I see Anthony Martin reported on this.

Haters Gonna Hate

Let’s not mince words. People who punish and restrict innocent people are bigots. [More]
Let's not.  They're that and a whole lot more.

Winging It

For all who "feel safer" in a "gun-free" environment: If you want to be assured that first responders are dependent on second responders, with the delay that guarantees, you couldn't pick a more cooperative place than Big Kahuna Wings, where customer choice comes last! [More]