Monday, November 17, 2014

Second lawsuit filed challenging federal ban on new machine guns

This latest action differs from the first in that Watson is subject to an actual taking resulting from actions performed under authorization of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, for which approval was later revoked. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes recognition of our rights by those hired to help safeguard them isn't... uh... automatic.

Last Night on Armed American Radio

AAR Regular Contributor, Amber Kunau, post-election discussion with acclaimed economist-NY Times best selling author and Fox News Contributor, John Lott, fending off Obama Bloomberg gun control in Nevada with Donald Turner of NV Firearms Coalition and David Codrea, Frank Harris of Kahr Arms and the Mad Ogre George Hill. [More]
Click the link to access Hours One, Two and Three from the AARchive.

A Mature Movement

"This is a mature movement. It is a different movement that it was in August. Then it just had anger, justifiable anger," said DeRay McKesson, a 29-year-old protest leader, as a wet snow fell on the city. [More]
So you demonstrate your maturity by lying down on the street in wet snow and pretending you're dead? Hey, if  you move your arms and legs, you can make angels!

And some dope calling himself "Rockit Ali" is marching around in a Spiderman mask and advocating violence and looting because he's not smart enough to think of any other response but to victimize people who never did anything to him, except maybe work and produce while he was out being a chronic parasite?

Yeah, it sounds like a mature movement in a "progressives" and Opposite Day kind'a way. Then again, maybe by "mature movement," they're talking the kind that steams in cold weather. Either interpretation would seem appropriate for the bulls*** these two self-styled "leaders" are flinging.  

[Via Florida Guy]   


Workman notes a(nother) cultist doing us the service of revealing the end game. [More]

Hey, that's the same argument all the antis were using before Heller.  I'm sure if we get a SCOTUS shift, they'll be retracting their grudging recognition and going back to that old time religion.

I see Dave also notices the big "but" and lousy Teets in Riverside.

Nothing to Sniff At

Not only a big "but," but also lousy Teets. [More]

At least by offering one-stop service, ol' Sheriff/Coroner Scratch 'n Sniff makes things convenient for employees processing victims of those Riverside did consider of "good moral character."

But hey, I'm being unfair. He did issue almost 1,200 CCWs (in a county of  2.3 MILLION).

I wonder if anyone has done a demographic analysis of those, and maybe also made sure he doesn't play favorites, not that any California sheriff ever would...

To the Last, I Grapple with Thee

From hell's heart, I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. [More]

Hey, a "true champion" never gives up.

The Numbers are In

While these numbers are repeatedly used by politicians and anti-gun groups to “prove” that background checks work, they prove exactly the opposite. [More]
What have we noted time and again about "progressives" and Opposite Day...?

Taking the Initiative

John Richardson did, and created a spreadsheet identifying Bloomberg's action groups and matching them to state-specific factors to help anticipate likely moves. [More]

This is interesting stuff.  Why not make reading it and sharing it today's Five-Minute Activism project?

If you can think of other factors to be considered, he takes comments.

Modern Woman

Pretty much, as long as you add the word "progressive" in the middle. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

An Educated Man

He must be, to mix his judgments in with public policy. [More]

I'm sure Milton Agurs would be happy to share his qualifications/ credentials and cite references to support that unique historic view he uses to justify denying rights to his countrymen.

Wouldn't you, Milton?

Which reminds me: Everybody see this?

[Via Michael B]

Giving Gun Owners the Digit

Police officials told the Public Safety Committee... [More]
You can stop right there.

The Medium is the Message

Just think of the convenience! [More]

What do you mean, "For whom?"

Here comes Honey Boo Boo!

We're the Only Ones Shooting Ourselves in the Foot Enough

Literally. [More]

Hey, we may have a new drink here, a Lee Paige.

You know, a shot and a twist?

And Only One is all you need...?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Not a Good Excuse, Trey

A dolt would be easier to thwart. [More

But a smart guy like you knows that. What's the real reason?

[Via Jess]

Forget It Jake

It's Chi-Town. [More]

This is what "progressives" do.

Our Policies Can Kill You and Yours

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. [More]


Up in Smoke

Rights. [More]

Told ya.

Claiming "both sides agree" advances the false assumption that there are only two sides. Some of us hold the opinion that it's what you do with a gun ... or a car or a knife or a book of matches or your hands or... that should be the consideration.

Anyone who thinks you can resolve that with a bureaucratic permission slip must be smoking something.

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

“To Obama, the dog of Rome. Today we are slaughtering the soldiers of Bashar and tomorrow we will be slaughtering your soldiers and with Allah’s permission we will break this final and last crusade and the Islamic State will soon, like your puppet David Cameron said, begin to slaughter your people on your streets.” [More]
Say, you know what we should do?

Call people who warn against foreign invaders -- and the degrading of civilization to accommodate them -- racists. That and take the damn haters' guns away.

Oh, and as far as the Washington Cathedral goes?

What about it?

Why Would These People Want YOU Armed?

What's in it for them? [More]

Funny, how "progressives" represent themselves as the champions of the little guy, yet oppose true egalitarian power-sharing with billionaire-funded hatred.

Opposite Day, remember?

I've heard some ask where the pro-gun billionaires are to counter Bloomberg.  Do they really want someone else to do for them what they should be doing for themselves? Do they not understand that such creatures are all about control, and the funding is not free, but is, in fact enslaving of all who accept it?

Puppets have strings. Someone else controls their movements.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Oh, look. It's the "Vote Freedom First President," sharing the brotherly love. [More]

It's his brother from the same mother I'm worried about.

Ain't that right, Professor Q?

We're the Only Ones "As a Matter of Fact, We DO Own the Whole Damn Road" Enough

“What do you think you are doing threatening people on my interstate?” [More]
I suppose asking back "What are YOU doing threatening people?" wouldn't have gone over too well.

This Day in History: November 17

There is a Vessel arrived at York from Charlestown which Brings an account of the evacuation of that Garrison. The British Troops are gone to the westindies, and the Hessions to Hallifax. [More]