Thursday, January 15, 2015

And the Winner IS...

Not gun owners, that's for sure.

Remember the other day, when I talked about a guy endorsed by both Bloomberg AND NRA being pressured by Gabby?

Guess which side he chose.  And who he kissed off and betrayed.

Rick Snyder joins Bill Brown and Kirsten Gillibrand and a host of others over the years. Some day when I have the time (like that'll happen any time soon) I ought to do a compilation and maybe come up with a GunJudas award.

[Via MTD]


  1. Well, doesn't he remind you of Eric Cantor?

  2. I constantly fight to protect clients fron domestic violence restraining orders which would prevent them from possessing firearms of any kind for any purpose. I also perform a lot of counseling to my clients to point out to them how their actions impact the rights of many. Unfortunately, a small percentage of my clients probably shouldn't possess a butter knife. It is crucial that our judges recognize the difference and refuse to issue these restraining orders on the mere allegation of the "victim".


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