Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Because You Asked

Seen at Mike's, in comments:
Mike V, is there any chance of flipping the board of the NRA to a board whose first principle is liberty at all cost? And any ideas on how we do it? 
I'm not talking to him now, since it sounds from the rest of his comment like he is involved in grassroots activism.  This is addressed to those who are not. First you need to be a voting member. Are you? Are you even a member? Then you need to know who to vote for. How do you do that? Well here’s one way, but based on results, nobody cares.

And then you need to know how to contact candidates directly, something NRA does not see fit to make convenient.

Per Jeff Knox, only around 7% of those eligible to vote do, and they follow in lock-step with what the Nominating Committee recommends. Having tried to change this for years, and seeing how many are unaware or haven't lifted a finger, makes me inclined to say "No, there is no chance."

It also makes me wonder how gun owners who won't even dominate the NRA Board can make good on all that "Molon Labe!" floating around, but that refusal to get involved while things are easy makes it more likely they're going to get exponentially harder.


  1. Seems similar to the Republican cause, huh?

  2. NRA happily denies ability to directly (email, etc) contact directors and/or candidates for director.
    Absolutely unacceptable.


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