Wednesday, January 07, 2015


[More and More]
If useful idiots want to make a spectacle of themselves, enjoy it. Steal the commies' tools (that's what they are, you know) to use against them.

Are you worried they'll call you a racist? They do that already, to people a lot more "liberal" than us "genocidal white devil extremists."

It's not like the names actually hurt or anything. Plus Opposite Day rules are in overdrive with this crowd of true racist loons.  Time was, back before real leaders took real risks demanding real dignity, that "black space" being demanded was called "segregation," and it was properly condemned as oppressive and evil.

Notice how this only happens in "tamed" urban environments?  I love that, and don't mind seeing lots more.  Who knows? Maybe some indoctrinated knee-jerk "progressives" will wake up.


  1. Notice that these "oh so concerned" people don't protest the local illegal drug market and gang areas where MOST of the black people end up getting shot.

    If black lives matter that much to them, why aren't they trying to take back the streets? If black lives mattered, they would be working WITH the police.

  2. Look, I'll take the Greensboro Four any day over these Marxists.


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