Saturday, January 10, 2015

From Soup to Nuts

At first I thought it must be Onion soup... [More]

This is the stupidest damn "idea" I've ever heard of. I would love for the idiot hive insect who "thought" it up to demonstrate, because this is all such a lunatic response would guarantee.


  1. I'm thinking "hoax."That letter is dated January 9, yet managed to get sent to parents, forwarded to BuzzPo, and published January 9?

    There's nothing about this on the schools web site that I've found. The only reference to it that I see on their Facebook page is a sarcastic comment from someone else.

    Even better, close examination of the picture of the letter shows a lot of artifacting around the text, but without the same sort of artifacting around the letterhead. More, some of the individual characters are not aligned properly with adjacent characters, suggesting sloppy cut&paste. For that matter, the "from" header appears to read "Priscella Holley, PrOncipal". (It's properly spelled "principal" under Donna Bell's (assistant principal) name.

  2. Good gawd! Just when I think I've seen it all. I keep waiting for Bozo to jump out and say "Just kidding!"

  3. I considered a hoax before posting, Bear, hence the "Onion" remark, but it links to a real high school site describing the soup can "defense."

  4. I think studies need to be funded, by the Feds of course, to determine the following:

    How much energy does a canned food item carry when thrown by a student.

    Is there a variance in energy carried to the target based on the food in the can. Soup vs. Hash? Do can contents affect accuracy?

    How important is shot placement vs. velocity? Sorry, I mean can placement.

    I can really see this as a future field of study for a well funded think tank.


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