Friday, January 23, 2015

Republican Betrayal

That's some security. [More]


I wonder if gun groups will grok the parallels and realize that at some point, a sufficient mass will say the hell with it all.


  1. What's really scary is that the parallels are everywhere now.

    DEFCON 2?

  2. Erick Erickson wrote this:

    The Pro-Life Movement Must Stop Being Whores of the Republican Party

    And we could say:

    The Pro-Gun Movement Must Never Be Whores of the Republican Party - or any other Party.

  3. Add this - to the equation, and the hits just keep coming.

    I know people who actually said: "When the Republicans are in Charge, things are gonna change!"

    Question: Has the pachyderm party morphed completely into the RINO quisling party? The "border security" story, along with a plethora of others, doesn't make a future of voting for Republicans for "change" appear very promising.


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