Saturday, February 14, 2015

ATF proposes expanding ammo bans using law enforcement protection rationale

“This 'sporting use' strategy was used before,” author and attorney Richard Stevens documented. “The Nazi Weapons Law (18 March 1938) forbade importation of weapons under substantially the same test.” Additionally, the intent of founders in drafting the Second Amendment makes no such exception to allow “sporting purpose” infringements, particularly by the federal government. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a time-tested strategy being once more employed by national socialists who get off on such displays of in-your-face authoritarianism.


  1. "Activists opposed to such rule changes can add their [names] to the public record, ..."

    There! Fixed it!


    Hmmmm - '556' came up on the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA!

  2. "SLACKtivists..."

    There, I fixed it.

    Activists names are already on the public record.

  3. Steve Ramsey2/14/2015 6:53 PM

    Pretty much everyone knows that no matter how reasonable we attempt to be, the forces that wish to disarm us just keep coming back.

    Lately, some topics revolve around trying to claw back "rights" supposedly taken by I594, "Rights" supposedly taken away because of some protesters, ATF's proclamation on arm braces, and now, ATF's move to ban green tip AR ammo. (ATF's payback for duping them with sig braces?)

    Before that it was Chinese steel core 7.62, then Russian steel core 5.45. Vertical grips on handguns. 922R is STILL in effect, even though you can BUY the US made equivalent, it's STILL $10k+10yrs if you don't rehab that thumbhole abortion with the 'correct' number of US parts. Attacks on carry, open and or concealed. Attacks on ranges. Attacks on federal and state land use for shooting. Attacks via initiative on bear and cougar hunting. Bans on imported AK barrels. Lead ammo bans.

    Garands sitting in a Korean warehouse because Obama won't allow their return to the USA, yet you can BUY ONE via the feds at the CMP?

    We would STILL have an "assault weapons" ban if not for the progressive stupidity of the anti's, thinking that ten years down the road, their point would be proved and the ban made permanent. It doesn't have to make any sense or be logical.


    All of you. Casual shooters, competitors, hunters, the lot. There is NO deal, NO compromise you can offer that will outlast them And it doesn't matter what the constitution says. They don't care about that. Not one bit.

    Win in court? Sure. You can lose too. We are ONE supreme court justice away form losing, and losing BIG. Judicial activism is on the rise.

    What we have is leftist monied activism, corporate feudalism, heinous degrees of political corruption, the tyranny of the majority and outright anarchy in the formulation and implementation of criminal law. and an economy teetering on the verge of collapse, with all the government heavy-handedness that that will entail.

    You have certain politicians doing everything they can to get us into a major shooting war, ostensibly, for good old 'freedom'. Right?

    Wrong. It's all about diverting your attention, and saving the petrodollar.

    And those in power, now in the process of both timing the collapse to their benefit, and choosing who will be your next president (you still think your vote means anything?), don't want anyone questioning them when the time comes. They don't want you resisting,

    They don't want you resisting them with force.

    Org's like mom's demand, and Brady, and every other gun control group? Just dupes and suckers, stupid, and easily led down the primrose path.

    Easily manipulated by the power elite's media machine, and lead to believe that they are subject to firearm related slaughter at any moment. But they are dangerous nonetheless, as are most citizens of totalitarian regimes who swear allegiance blindly.

    Is there a way to forestall this? Perhaps, but it's by not paying our respects to any anti gunner. It's not by making deals to lessen the pain or claw back rights made privileges by the anti gun hysterics.

    It's no by intimidation either. The only real remedy we have left is disobedience. When something happens to harm us, like the latest green tip ammo ban, stop moving on. Stop forgetting. Let all the actions pile up in your mind, and try to come to grips with the situation in it's totality. You can't. It's unacceptable to give one more inch.

    The average gun owners patriotic tendency to be at all time "law abiding", is now being turned against you. So much so the term "Law Abiding Gun Owner" gives me the heaves anymore.

    You could easily replace it with "Gun owning RUBES".


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