Tuesday, March 03, 2015

A Regrettable Announcement

Over the weekend I submitted my resignation as a content contributor to and adviser for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Here's why:

Last week I submitted my article on Mike Vanderboegh's BamaCarry speech to KeepAndBearArms.com Newslinks, another website SAF bought. It never appeared.

It's no secret there is hostility between Mike and Alan Gottlieb. And Mike was apparently told by some readers that Alan has forbidden articles by or about him to appear on any properties he controls.

Alan confirmed that was the reason for the piece being banned.

My Bama Carry piece is a chronicle of a legitimate event with valid information for the people who read my stuff -- and who turn to KABA for reliable information as well. It is not a "Gottlieb is a so-and-so" attack piece. Besides, KABA is not supposed to be a personal site. It is a site that purports to bring newsworthy and noteworthy information to gun owners. That information is being suppressed due to a personal directive turns it into a personal site for the top guy, and if the Vanderboegh blackout is in force at that SAF holding, it is in force at all SAF holdings. It also renders other topics and ideas vulnerable to directive-based censorship.

It's clear those are his sites and his rules. And he would rather maintain that control than to have my continued participation and support. That is all within his rights.

Writing under such imposed censorship is not acceptable to me, nor is it consistent with my stated conditions for affiliating with the new JPFO. That is within my rights.

Admittedly, each venue I write for has a different readership and interest mix, and I tailor my submissions accordingly, but that's based on my judgment as to how I can best spread concepts I believe merit wider consideration. In other words, I don't do what I do to place myself under organizational restraints, let alone personal ones -- I do this for me.

I regret the hell out of this, but his mandate leaves me no choice but to resign or renege on a commitment I made to readers, and most importantly to myself.

I don't expect this to alter the way I deal with Alan and his organizations here or at any of the other forums where my work appears -- meaning if I see something I think is comment-worthy -- pro or con -- I'll speak my mind. If SAF takes on another lawsuit I can get behind, I'll do so. If CCRKBA advances a political strategy I don't agree with, I'm sure I'll squawk. And I still hope the unique JPFO core message established by Aaron Zelman continues to be an influence, and I hope, despite the reasons compelling me to leave, that influence can spread and grow. Regardless of anything I said here, there are some good people working their hearts out to make that happen.


  1. Completely understandable David since principle and conviction dictates your action. Times they are a changing but the truth can stand alone. American gunowners need a voice without a secret agenda.

  2. I understand and agree, David.

  3. Kudos, David. You are (to no one's surprise) a man of admirable principle.

  4. It's unfortunate that JFPO will lose a long time voice in the fight against those that would hold us under their thumb.
    I read your Examiner column daily and will look forward to seeing you there.

  5. Steve Ramsey3/03/2015 1:32 PM

    I've watched (sometimes in frustration) as you bent over backwards to be fair to Alan Gottleib.

    The problem is that he doesn't recognize the concept. He rules the gun rights agenda in Washington State like a crime boss.

    He has a PR machine, and he uses it as a weapon against gun owners who disagree with him. It's much more than a mere disagreement or divergence of strategy, it's malice. It about power, and the money that comes along with it.

  6. What Steve above says,spot on.It appears to me Gottleib is in this for personal gain,nothing more.ZERO credibility IMO.

  7. Some of the JPFO refugees have begun writing over at zelmanpartisans.com (as I'm certain our host already knows, but some readers who may look in the comments may not).

    I'm very sorry to hear the news, but it was not an unexpected outcome after the principled and the petty met.


    1. Thank You for the zelmanpartisans.com information.

  8. My family has donated quite a few thousands of dollars to JPFO In the last 20 years. Not one cent more while Gottlieb controls it

  9. I will never donate another cent to gottleib and his many interwtwined entities.

  10. i'll second the note above about zelmanpartisans.com. claire wolf, as far as i can see, is a standup individual.

    as for zelman's principles, i'm glad you're again stating your affirmation. no need to invoke hasbara's law yet.

    good luck, and good going.

  11. David...would love to publish your work....American Women who Bear Arms (awwba.com) jon@awwba.com

  12. You wrote: " I don't do what I do to place myself under organizational restraints, let alone personal ones -- I do this for me."

    I don't believe you.
    I think you "do what you do" for all of us.
    Thank you.
    That is all

  13. Alan Gottlieb is not trustworthy, that's all any of us need to know about him.

  14. I will apply the NATO Doctrine (Art. V) on this; an attack on Mike is an attack on you ...

    An attack on David is an attack on me, on all of us.

    So, I stand with you.

  15. sirshooter153/03/2015 7:38 PM

    I cannot follow anything that Alan say's or does anymore. He just does us WA such a disservice.

  16. Always heartening to see a man of stated principle stand on said principle. You never disappoint, in information, appropriate doggedness nor in principle.

    A good man taking an appropriate and open action.

    Jeff Karns

  17. Screw Gottlieb and his ersatz JPFO.

    Long live Zelman.

    Long live Codrea.

    Good on ya, mate.


  18. You are a man of morals, principled in your convictions and I well done, sir. Sadly, yet well done.

    Gottlieb is not one who canny be trusted at all. His control is disgusting and it strangles what message he may be trying to get out.

    I will have ZERO to do with him or his organizations.

    Thank you sir,a and you always speak so well so many of us.

  19. David Codrea learned this week, is what I learned about Alan Gottieb back in 1998. After sending his various organizations checks for the previous five-years I phoned Alan Gottlieb asked him to come to Santa Monica, CA, as they were about to past one of the first Assault Weapons bans. SAF stated purpose, at the time, was to "stop anti-gun legislation before it's enacted." What Gottieb's reply to me was, "get your fiends around a table and have all them write checks and send them to me." None of Gottlieb's cash cows have ever gotten another cent from. Never Again!

  20. Not a surprise that the guy who allowed the media to use him in story after story as supporting the Bloomberg/Obama registration scheme wanted to censor the best reporter and blogger in the gun rights world!

    I wish you would accept donations. Maybe we can all start emailing various sites to ask them to hire Codrea if he won't? GOA needs a reporter and full time blogger now that they have increased in size so much. We should let goa know how we think.

  21. Sorry for the typos in my post of 03/04/2014 8:58 AM.
    1) 1998 should be 1989
    2) fiends should be friends
    3) I left off the word "me" fro the end of my last sentence.
    Only excuse, fat fingers and lack of sleep.

  22. Much like the clown in the White House, Gottlieb seems hell-bent on "fundamentally changing" the fight for the 2nd Amendment for the worse. "My way or the highway comes to mind." It is sad to foresee the inevitable demise of JPFO. Is anyone starting an organization to stand in the soon-to-be gap?

  23. I'm surprised you held on this long Mr. Codrea. The Gottlieb take over happened just days after I joined JPFO on a two year basis. So they got that money from me, but will not receive another penny. I have scrubbed them from my twitter feed, and emails. There are far too few principled people in this world, and I applaud you for being one of those few.

  24. Happy to see you standing up for principles, freedom and journalism, sir.

    david b.

  25. Gottieb has become a tyrant, hungry for power and control. I choose not to add to his millions. While we need every supporter of the 2nd amendment that we can find, we dont need those that play footsy with the federalies and who make back room deals that harm the meaning and purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

  26. Thank you David for living your principles. The ends never justify the means.

  27. Glad you are standing up to the appeaser and serial surrender monkey.
    I for one will pass this along and look for your work where ever you land. Respectfully, Armed Arizona

  28. David
    Your posts are the only ones that I save-every one every time.


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