Monday, March 09, 2015

Campaign Fundraising

SAF launches nationwide campaign opposing Obama admin. ammo ban [More]
Here's the thing -- the only way this "will lead to the loss of our Second Amendment rights by the time Obama leaves office" is if he has enough guys to take on about three percent of gun owners and probably a hell of a lot more than that when things get going. It intuitively bugs me to hear that type of rhetoric used, because it implies the right to keep and bear arms will be just handed over when ordered, defeating the entire purpose of having it.

Don't get me wrong: A properly-crafted lawsuit to stop his  ammo grab can be a fine idea and worthy of being supported as one of the preferred peaceable redress angles to use. But I guess hyperbole and scare tactics are needed to motivate low-information gun owners to cough up funds to support it -- and make no mistake -- the intent of the 800 number at the end of the ad is to solicit donations.

I would respond positively to an ad explaining they are raising money for a lawsuit and why, and talking to me like I'm an adult. Candidly, the ad I see here, and the phone message I heard when I called and got my number on what I assume will be used as a solicitation list, did not inspire me -- quite the opposite, actually. That said, I confess when it comes to running a successful fundraising campaign, I'm not qualified to judge what works on the masses -- only on what works on me.

Show me the arguments that will be raised, an estimated budget to get things through the various phases, how funds solicited for this project will be used exclusively for the stated purpose, and how potential supporters will be told when various budget thresholds have been met, and I'll revisit this to see if I agree with the approach.

That is, if I can get a guarantee the phone number I called from won't be sold or otherwise used for purposes besides the advertised reason for calling the 800 number in the first place...

UPDATE: Now what?

1 comment:

  1. Steve Ramsey3/09/2015 10:24 PM

    Using fear to raise cash is Merril associates core competency.

    He, um... they do it the same way every time.


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