Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cultural Terraforming

You've spent twenty plus years loyally working in Information Technology (IT) for Southern California Edison, and eighteen months ago your boss tells you that they are going to study outsourcing but not to worry, "your position is safe." On the one hand you are worried because you know many stories of American IT workers losing their jobs to outsourcing, but on the other you feel comforted that you've been loyal to SCE and provide a critical service. Then eight months ago they tell you that they are outsourcing most IT functions and that they want you, get this, to train your guestworker replacement. If you say no, SCE will terminate you with cause and you would lose not only a severance package but also eligibility for unemployment insurance. [More]
This is a big part of why establishment Republicans and their plutocrat masters are selling everyone out. Illegal immigration is not the only aspect for which a cultural impact study ought to be required of a government with a prime directive to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Who believes the resulting impacts of this and a "pathway to citizenship" for illegals will work our well for RKBA?  Got anything of credible substance we can test to  validate that conviction?


  1. Oh, transform America, transfer the wealth. I thought he meant something else.

  2. Enthusiasm for RKBA, just like the enthusiasm for limited government of which it is part and parcel, is strictly a Northern/Western European thang, one which the rest of humanity does not understand and may indeed be inherently incapable of grasping.

    East Asians and South Asians believe the government exists to enforce social order; expatriate Chinese worldwide in particular have a cultural aversion to the idea of picking up arms in their own defense--that's not how they do things, they survive by "making deals." By which I mean, when the locals riot, the preferred Chinese way of dealing with the situation is to present local military and police officials with suitcases full of cash to park tanks in the intersections along the border of Chinatown. Let the fa rang kill one another and get it out of their systems, and get back to business.

    By contrast, Mestizos, and Negroes believe the government exists to give out free stuff, preferably at Whitey's expense, and are eager to see RKBA done away with. Li'l Rastus's grandma and Li'l Paco's abuelita don't want to have to fear for their grandsons' lives when they're out robbing liquor stores and taking potshots at cops, dass beez racisms 'n' shit, gnomesayin? Deez gunz beez causin tragicdy, gnomesayin? They are enthusiastically in favor of laws that will disarm Whitey, and they know that prosecutors will plea bargain away any gun law charges first whenever Li'l Dayshawn is arrested for five armed robberies and a triple homicide that get plea bargained down to one count of negligent manslaughter, or maybe even just a misdemeanor.

    The bankster gangsters of the Chamber of Commerce want all the wetbacks here, right now, to push down wages even further, and couldn't give less of a damn if it turns every town in America into Bogota, nor if it turns the whole nation into Brazil. Their talking heads in the media, like Larry Kudlow, call it "a pro-growth agenda," and have been whispering in the party establishment's ears for decades: "Just ignore the 'nativist' trash, they're stupid kulaks and anything that happens to them, they have coming. Ignore all the rapes and murders the 'undocumented workers' commit too. Just wear a sombrero at a Cinco de Mayo celebration. Just offer more free shit to the wetbacks than the Democrats are offering, give them bigger welfare checks, and you'll get the wetbacks voting Republican, see?"

    This sort of talk is divorced from reality on a level that's unusual even for American political talk in the 21st Century. Nonetheless people like Bob Dole, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and John McCain act like they believe this--and I'm sure the truckloads of "soft money" they're getting from Goldman-Sachs have nothing to do with it. I would only be speculating if I were to guess at to what degree they actually believe their own bullshit as opposed to just cynically reciting the words, taking the money, and laughing all the way to the bank as civilization crumbles and the dying scream all around them.

    We haven't had a remotely sane border enforcement policy, nor a remotely sane immigration policy, since Eisenhower. I think it's too late. I think we aren't going to be voting our way out of this.


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