Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Is There a Way?

Noting it's too late for this year, I've been asked if there is "any way to run an NRA Board Member qualification/endorsement campaign for grass roots candidates for the 2016 election?"

Yes, there is.

But it will be expensive and labor intensive, and need a dedicated person who knows how to establish and run and publicize an organization to make it happen, starting with determining if the candidates (and identifying them will be a chore in itself) even meet Bylaws criteria to be eligible to run. Then the information campaign -- which someone would need to develop and finance -- would need to target actual NRA members, and more than that, get to those eligible to vote -- and of those, I understand only seven percent even bother.

Some blogs and Tweets and Facebook posts and then asking people to forward links won't cut it. I know that from personal experience.

Would I attempt to lead such an effort, or do I know anyone I could recommend?

No. I have no reason to believe we would be any more successful at that than we've been at generating supportive actions for other pleas from more than a handful. Plus, personally, that's not what I feel inspired to do, and if you don't have that sense of a calling, you'll burn out.

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