Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Role-Playing Games

Let's be clear here. This was a job I was hired to do. Like any gig I get, I submerge myself into the role completely. It's called acting. My political views are my own and I keep them private. Hopefully no one thinks that because I play a bad guy in my work that that's how I roll in real life. If you do you are not very well informed as to what makes me tick. If my performance in this PSA gets you fired up or touched you in a positive way or even a negative way, then good. It means I did my JOB. [More]
Fair enough.  But we knew the guy behind the counter was acting.

The "customers" in the video are being represented as people who walked off the street and were recorded by hidden camera and persuaded to change their minds.

Let us see what answer, if any is forthcoming:

The question after that is was everyone "properly" permitted?

[Via Joshua S]

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