Thursday, March 05, 2015

Why Spokane. Why Now.

Mike outlines some very real fears that worry me too. [More]

Share his post so that it doesn't disappear, in case provocateurs take actions intended to discredit those who will not obey, and to portray them as instigators of violence.

If anyone does instigate, it will not be brave patriots of principle, who share a well-documented philosophy and discipline.

There's a new paradigm, and it scares the hell out of the powers that be. What they fear they hate. And what they hate, they want to destroy.

UPDATE: Mike is now en route.  Have mercy and understanding, and ease up on the emails to him and the comments at SSI until he gets back, and even then give him a day?

1 comment:

  1. David, Before the last protest I had commented on the dedication and generosity of hose in the III.Please check out the link if you have time.


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