Thursday, April 30, 2015

What Pedro Knows

Pedro Morillas is the name appearing at the bottom of an Everytown email linking to this page.

Of course Pedro and the Bloombergians know NRA hardly endorses "guns for anyone, anywhere -- no questions asked." They know NRA has been taken to task many times by hard core gun rights advocates for compromises and deviations from "shall not be infringed."  Lying doesn't bother them because they know they can get away with it -- the useful idiots they are exploiting will neither know better nor care if they did.

Here's something else Pedro knows, something that appears to have "eluded" NRA and SAF/CCRKBA and every other gun organization with the exception of GOA --how "amnesty" and a "pathway to citizenship" will enable "progressives" to establish unchallengeable electoral majorities, to include "gun control" legislation and sympathetic court confirmations:
Pedro and Everytown and the "progressive" Obamanoids are neither fooled nor slowed down for a minute by the phony "single issue" excuse used by the establishment gun groups for avoiding engaging on the most important threat affecting the continued legislative and judicial disposition toward the right to keep and bear arms. They know the issues are inseparable, and are designed to achieve a single goal. As a matter of fact, they're counting on the "gun lobby" continuing to suck up to the Republican establishment, and especially pleased when they see how many bloviating ignoramus gun owners defend the fraudulent separation.

Forget "single issue." Think "single goal."

Not that I think anyone besides a few of us marginalized malcontents will, and even fewer will do anything about. Pedro knows he can count on  abdication, denial and apathy.  And based on results, I don't disagree with him.


  1. Someone needs to slap Wayne and Chris and Alan upside the head hard enough to knock the scales off their eyes. Pedro's right and we are going to be the losers. Obama's amnesty plan will turn the tide toward the gun haters for years to come.

    None are so blind as those who will not see.

    Passed along.

  2. The idea of a government of limited, strictly enumerated powers has zero appeal to anyone but white Northern and Western Europeans. Wetbacks in particular turn their noses up at it with great repugnance and greatly prefer all that cool free shit you get for joining the Free Shit Army. If anything, the wetbacks are also in favor of gun control laws just on general principles, because laws and rules are for gringos, and it'd be a terrible tragedy if L'il Paco and his vatos got shot by some racist gringo shopkeeper while they were out knocking over liquor stores and taking potshots at the cops--I mean, out being high-spirited vibrant urban yoots.

    This is demographic warfare, and it is high treason. No one anywhere, so far as I can determine, gives a damn. The opposition has all the world's news and entertainment media as its cheering section, and they're the ones that tell everyone else what Right-Thinking People are and aren't allowed to speak or think--see Antonio Gramsci and Mao T'se-Tung.

    Ameri-Kwa is on borrowed time, and at this point I don't think it's realistic to talk about some political party saving us. It hasn't been for fifty years. Got ammo?


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