Friday, May 15, 2015

Go Garden Club

A reader just told me when he goes to the WoG url, it reroutes to a site.  I don't see it, but did find this on the CopyTechNet forum. Looks like it may be an issue Firefox is vulnerable to.

As always, make sure you have up-to-date protection and Adblock.  If it's happened to you, all I can suggest is a scan and further research.  Anyone with further knowledge, please educate the rest of us in comments.

UPDATE: It may be Site Meter and a Blogger-wide issue.  I'm going to deactivate it until things clear up.


  1. I liked adblock edge which is being replaced by ublock
    does more than adblock, excellent reviews, the most current version is here;

  2. Don't know what URL you used, but this
    goes directly to the current website.

    Anthony, the founder and pretty much the whole organization, has been very ill and was in the hospital for a while. I have not managed to contact him for quite a while and have asked a number of active members if they have any news.

    I'll send you any update I get.

  3. I'm having the same problem with chrome.

  4. Crome is my browser and it was taking me to earlier today after clicking on War on Guns. I don't know why?


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